Bear bile farms often keep moon bears captive in small spaces to extract their bile for use in traditional eastern medicines.

The practice is presently illegal in Vietnam, however many bear bile farmers have kept their animals because of legal escape clauses in the ban.

Through their partnership, Animals Asia and the Vietnam authorities have reached many bear bile farmers and worked with them to give up their animals.

After learning about Paddington, Animals Asia and the authorities contacted the female bear’s proprietor, who agreed to voluntarily give up the animal. On Sept. 22, after creating an individualized salvage plan for Paddington, Animals Asia went to the farm and assisted the bear with taking her initial moves toward opportunity.

Heros tracked down Paddington in a small cage, concealed in a dark and damp annex of the farmer’s garden, rocking and weaving in the container — an indication of distress in bears.

The farmer let heros know that they purchased the animal from a natural life trader in 2005, leading Animals Asia to estimate that Paddington had burned through 17 years confined in a restricted space suffering painful bile extractions.

To make the 4-hour excursion to Animals Asia’s Tam Dao sanctuary in Vietnam easier on Paddington, heros sedated the bear, performed a fast health beware of the animal, and then transported her to her new home. Upon waking up and arriving at the sanctuary, Paddington was treated to marmalade — a favorite of the fictional bear she is named after.

Like her namesake, Paddington the moon bear adored the sweet snack. She also feasted on banana leaves, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, and apples.

Paddington is finishing up a 30-day quarantine period at Animals Asia’s sanctuary. Once the quarantine is finished, Paddington will actually want to start exploring her rich, expansive forever home and meeting the sanctuary’s other protected bears. This moment, Paddington is focused on getting healthy.

“She was really dehydrated. Her upper canine on the right side is broken with uncovered mash. This should be fixed, and when she is settled at the sanctuary, our vets will perform a root canal.

This successful treatment will assist with saving the tooth and avoid a lot of pain for her.

She also has a great deal of tartar on her teeth which will be tackled with a balanced diet with bunches of new products of the soil at the sanctuary.

The team hasn’t tracked down any abnormal signs in her gall bladder through ultrasound,” Animals Asia said in a statement to Individuals about Paddington’s ongoing health status.

Animals Asia accepts there are around 310 moon bears actually stuck at bear bile farms in Vietnam, and the charity is working with the country’s authorities to save them all.

The organization’s sanctuary in Tam Do — where Paddington currently lives — is almost at capacity.

Animals Asia is working on building a second sanctuary in Bach Ma, Vietnam, which will give a home to the moon bears in Vietnam that remain in the bear bile trade.

To learn more about Animals Asia and backing the charity’s work to save moon bears like Paddington, visit the organization’s site.