Twelve beach hacks

The twelve beach hacks are as follows:

Make a sand-free section

If you want to make a section sand-free, use a contour sheet to keep yourself free from sand. This tip will help you if there is a strong wind. The contour sheet will stop the sand from coming to your face. Your kids will also be safe. The most crucial thing is don’t forget to keep an umbrella. 

Create a sponge lei

Before going on a vacation, for every member of your family create a sponge lie. When you are out of the water, this sponge will keep you cool. 

Before you leave for the beach, wet the sponge and wear it. 

How to create a sponge lie

First, cut a sponge.

Second, make it like a necklace.

Third, wet it.

Finally, wear it.

Additionally, if you want it extra cool you can keep the sponge in the freezer. 

Keep your kids in a shallow pool

At the beach, in a group keep your kids in a shallow pool. The kids will remain safe in this shallow pool. You can enjoy yourself on the beach as long as you want. You do not have to worry about their safety. If you want the shallow pool to be shaded all the time, use an umbrella. 

Make a freezer water balloon

The freezer water balloon will keep your food fresh & cool. After having your food, if these water balloons are left out, you can play with these water balloons. 

These water balloons are the substitute for a cooler. You have to fill water in these balloons & you have to keep them beside your food. 

Apply sunscreen

Before going on a beach vacation, do not forget to apply sunscreen. If you do not apply sunscreen, you may have a sunburn. You have to reapply sunscreen to prevent sunburn. This is one of the most crucial beach hacks that you should keep in mind. 

Keep your mobile phone & keys safely

Before going to the beach, do not forget to keep your mobile phone & keys in a safe place. You can keep your keys & mobile phone in a jar. This is the safest way.Your mobile phone & keys will be protected from water and sand. You can also put this in your bag. 

Keep your water bottles in the freezer

Keep your water bottles in the freezer before going to the beach. The water remains cold for a long time & this cold water will keep your food fresh also. Cold water is the best option instead of some ice packs. 

Bring some lemon pouches

Lemon juice is the most crucial thing if you are going to a beach. It keeps you hydrated. This drink is very delightful.It will protect you & your kids from the sun.

Prevent bugs coming to your drink

With the help of cupcake papers, you can avoid bugs coming to your drink. It is affordable to you. It is one of the best beach hacks to prevent bugs. You can also wrap your drink with plastic to prevent bugs. Plastic plays an amazing role in these beach hacks. 

Keep your towel

Do not forget to keep your towel, it can help you to feel comfortable on the beach. You can make your towel like a pillow & can relax on that pillow. Do not forget to keep an umbrella, that umbrella will provide you with shade.

Bring your small tent

If you want shade, there is another amazing hack for you to bring your small tent. You can relax in your tent after coming from the beach. If you do not want more heat to come inside your tent, above the tent you can put a large umbrella.

Remove wet sand from your body

You can easily remove wet sand from your body by using baby powder. Give some baby powder on the wet sand & rub it. This is one of the easiest processes to remove wet sand anywhere from your body.


These beach hacks will help you to enjoy your vacation without any stress. You can capture good memories by following these hacks. Beach is the best place during the summer vacations. Kids love to visit the beach & enjoy their vacation. It is one of the most favorite places for them. 

Is it possible to find sea glass on the beach?

Ans: Yes, it is possible to find sea glass on the beach.

Name the unique sea glass.

Ans: The unique sea glass is the red sea glass.

Is it possible to find sea marbles on the beach?

Ans: Yes, it is possible to find sea marbles on the beach.

Name the beach with the most sea glass.

Ans: The beach with the most sea glass is Glass Beach, Mackerricher State Park.