Ebuka got back to the House after the removal of five Housemates to shake a few tables. The most eminent inquiry was aimed at Adekunle. “I’ve seen you dropping a few inconspicuous verses on Daniella. What’s happening there?” Ebuka enquired. Adekunle let Ebuka know that he and Daniella are drawing nearer, however he is staying away on the grounds that she is in a tough spot with Dotun.


Dotun was additionally included on the Live Show stage, where he conceded to caring deeply about Daniella. The two have filled close lately, sharing the HoH Room for a week and in any event, kissing. Daniella’s apprehension about being disgraced for changing from Khalid to Dotun, then again, has kept her from making things official with Dotun. She conceded to caring deeply about him yet has never characterized their relationship.

Dotun is as of now not in the House, and that implies Daniella is presently not in that frame of mind with him. Adekunle is prepared to make his effort and has educated Rachel regarding his procedure. To assist things, Adekunle means to win the Head of House Games and request that Daniella be his HoH Room friend. Will Daniella acknowledge his welcome? The time they spend in the Room will clearly be the best an open door for them to talk and get to know one another.

— Plat4om (@Plat4omLive) September 19, 2022