Allysyn didn’t appear to agree with Giffyfia’s chest-to-chest embrace with her, and she called attention to it right away. Nonetheless, Giffyfia actually attempted to legitimize his activities, however it actually didn’t agree with Allysyn, as she further put herself out there and carried it to his notification that she has bosoms, subsequently, why his chest-to-chest embrace was not satisfactory.

Allysyn said: “It doesn’t make any difference. It doesn’t mean you will presently come and give me chest to chest. I have bre@sts please”

Nonetheless, Giffyfia stayed unashamed and inflexible to take rectifications in spite of his activities.

— A.S.B.T. (@A_S_B_Tofficial) August 1, 2022

Allysyn got pissed and excused Giffyfia, who pummeled her subsequently. This set off Allysyn the more, as she let Giffyfia know that his activities will cause them to have issues since he has no regard or respect for others.