In this guide you will learn how to effectively take down enemies in the long distances and call out enemy positions for your teammates.

Sniper rifle is your main tool

Sniper rifle is probably the most powerful weapon in the game, as it usually only takes one precise shot to kill an enemy soldier. The optics will help you keep as much distance as possible from the enemy lines, which is important since Scouts don’t have too many good tools to protect themselves in the close combat, except of a couple of pistols.

Your main objective should always be enemy snipers and machine gun operators, and then when you’ve dealt with all of them, you can switch to enemies riding horses and vehicles. These moving targets can be difficult to take down at first, so you will need to practice this part a lot.

You should also maintain a one-shot kill instead of firing a series of successive shots, as in this way your position will be much harder to uncover for the enemy snipers. So, take this into consideration and better spend more time aiming rather than shooting.

Other useful gadgets and gear

Sometimes you can’t see other snipers hiding between the buildings or other object, and for this reason you have access to a Spot Flare – a flare gun that can help you identify the locations of the enemies in the hard-to-see areas.

Enemy vehicles can create a lot of problems for your team, so you can utilize your K-Bullets – a type of armor piercing bullets that can be used in your Mauser sniper rifle. They are extremely effective and can be compared to explosives when it comes to dealing with heavy machinery like tanks.

But don’t worry, you will still have some bombs in your inventory, if you suddenly are out of the K-Bullets. The Tripwire Bombs come in three different packages for different purposes: Gas, High Explosive and Incendiary.

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