Superman fans everywhere can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that there is a reason why editor Perry White had Clark Kent covering a football game in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Such is the word from director Zack Snyder himself.

There are many things in Batman V Superman:Dawn of Justice which upset Superman traditionalists but the idea of Clark Kent covering a football game is one of the most oddly specific. The point of contention is that Clark Kent had always been a newsman in the original comics, focusing on investigative reports and hard news. Sports are an entirely different division in most major newspapers, necessitating at least one reporter who is entirely devoted to the subject. The idea that Perry White would shrug-off a clearly passionate Clark Kent’s desire to investigate a hot lead in favor of some local sports piece seemed out of character to many devout Superman fans.

Snyder confirmed a theory as to why this happened, which was posted by Twitter user fukujang0627. Snyder also revealed an additional, more personal Easter Egg, regarding the number his son wore when he played football in high school:

The theory was based around the fact that the Jay Olivia - The Daily Planet’s sports writer - was a die-hard fan of Gotham University’s football team. This was shown by a GCU jersey which was hanging up next to the nameplate on his cubicle, in the background of one scene. The theory is that Olivia was so upset by his beloved team losing so badly (a point that was mentioned in another Easter Egg tying into the origins of Cyborg) that he refused to write about it. This led Perry White, who was facing a deadline and presumably knew his staff well enough to know when he could and could not reason with them, to assign the article to the more mild-mannered Clark Kent. Presumably, White trusted that Kent could manage the job and would also be easily pressured into writing the piece despite it being outside of his usual purview.

This is not as unreasonable an idea as some might think. Despite his nerdy persona, Clark Kent was depicted as being a football fan in Man of Steel, so the odds were good that he could write about the game with authority. Clark has even been depicted as having played football in high-school before his powers fully developed, in certain versions of his origin story.

Whatever Perry White’s reasoning, this shows once again the level of detail that Snyder and his production team put into every aspect of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and his other films. This is not the first time Snyder has confirmed some equally obscure detail being hidden in the set. Earlier this month, Snyder also confirmed subtle clues that pointed to his belief that the film version of Lex Luthor had his father killed, just like in the comics.

More: Every Batman v Superman Easter Egg Confirmed by Zack Snyder

Source: fukujang0627

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