As anticipation builds for Zack Snyder’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, the promotional campaign continues to release trailers, TV spots, promotional images and posters faster than we can choose a side for the upcoming superhero battle-royale. As a result, Batman V Superman has already outperformed some of its comic book counterparts at the box-office, with just over a week to go.

Since Batman and Superman are (arguably) two of the most iconic superheroes of all time, cinema-goers will undoubtedly be keen to examine the latest representations of the characters as their two worlds collide on the big screen. Henry Cavill has been preparing audiences by sharing minor details about the DC superhero, even commenting that Superman is far more experienced than the last time that he cloaked up for Man of Steel… but what about Clark Kent?

During a recent interview with inSing, Cavill opened up about his Earth-based alter ego, promising that the character remains more faithful to the original comic books than ever before:

You can check out the full video, below:

“It’s more the Clark Kent from the comic books as opposed to the Richard Donner, Christopher Reeve version of Clark Kent. While that character is very much beloved, I feel that this Clark is more in line what that who is a journalist. He’s a reporter. There’s less of that light touch, less of that comedic touch to his performance or his presentation to the world. For Clark, there are very serious issues. Certainly, in this movie, he’s trying to get Perry to say, ‘Look, this Batman guy is a bad guy! Let me tell the story about him!’ He’s trying to use his position as a reporter to make things better without having to resort to the cape. It’s interesting to see. There’s a more serious tone. There’s more presence of a place of importance as a journalist.”

Christopher Reeve’s name became synonymous with Clark Kent and Superman, while his portrayal of the press reporter famously fell on to the extreme end of the spectrum. Based on Reeve’s performance, some might describe Kent as being bashful, awkward or clumsy – but fans generally loved this interpretation of the character, as no one would suspect that the bespectacled bumbler could possibly be a superhero (which is obviously the whole purpose of the secret identity).

By comparison, Cavill looks to underplay the character in Batman V Superman, hoping to go unnoticed, rather than drawing attention to himself. Admittedly, spilling things constantly is not the best way to go unseen. Even though Cavill’s more ‘invisible’ cover might surprise audiences that are well versed in the Superman movies past, comic book fans might appreciate a different version of the character - one which emulates the source material and fits in with the apparent tone of Batman V Superman.

In the end audiences will be left to decide which interpretation of the character they prefer, which will more than likely cause a divide in opinions – similar to the film’s marketing, wherein Snyder and Batman V Superman posters have asked audiences to choose which hero they think will emerge victorious (as part of the #WhoWillWin campaign). At this point in time, only one thing is certain: We don’t have very long to wait until we discover the conclusion to the titular struggle!

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice opens on March 25th, 2016, followed by Suicide Squad on August 5th, 2016; Wonder Woman on June 23rd, 2017; Justice League Part One on November 17th, 2017; The Flash on March 16th, 2018; Aquaman on July 27th, 2018; Shazam on April 5th, 2019; Justice League Part Two on June 14th, 2019; Cyborg on April 3rd, 2020; and Green Lantern Corps. on June 19th, 2020.

Source: inSing