[WARNING: This article contains potential SPOILERS for Batman V Superman.]


First things first: let’s all pull out our spoonfuls of salt before chowing down on this rumor. By now, most DC Comics fans will have heard about the massive leak of Batman V Superman details posted online by a fan claiming to have attended a test screening. The veracity of that claim won’t be known for some time, though Heroic Hollywood’s Umberto Gonzalez claims a screening did take place; until then, they’ve given comic book movie fans a lot of unsubstantiated news to digest.

What may get lost in the shuffle of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Justice League rumors is the potential casting of a brand new Green Lantern, set to make his debut, first as Hal Jordan, then later as the Emerald ring-slinger. It’s still falling under the rumor category, but according to the leak, DC’s Extended Universe will soon introduce Dan Amboyer as the new Green Lantern.

Assuming that most fans won’t recognize the name, we can say that Amboyer has earned his share of acclaim primarily on the stage. Although he has sixteen screen roles to his name, the majority of them are small, one-off parts - aside from his most well-known role, playing Prince William in William and Catherine: A Royal Romance. So even though his resume isn’t as padded as some of the actors rumored to be in the running for the Green Lantern film (or those campaigning for it), playing such a British treasure comes with its own share of pressure.

Add the fact that Amboyer’s name had previously popped up among fans due to, among other things, his sudden enthusiasm for weightlifting, and there is definitely some smoke to this report. Whether there is actually fire remains to be seen. If it’s true, then Zack Snyder and Warner Bros. have pulled off quite a deception, revealing the months of rumor-mongering among multiple ‘insiders’ to have been for naught, with the role not only cast, but filmed.

For those who have yet to read our detailed breakdown of the test screening’s many spoilers, the leaked details claim that Amboyer (currently credited as either ‘Drone Pilot’ or ‘Lt. Christie’) is a pilot first sent to take on Kryptonian drones threatening Superman. Once Batman V Superman’s third act enters into Dawn of Justice mode, Amboyer apparently makes his debut in the green and black uniform of the Green Lantern Corps. Not only showing a working relationship with The Flash (Ezra Miller), but setting the stage for even more Lanterns to be introduced before the Green Lantern Corps movie reboot.

We’ll keep you updated as confirmation, elaboration, or denials come, but for now, what do you think of this rumor? Does Amboyer seem like the kind of younger, unknown actor needed to give Green Lantern a new chance? Or do you have some concerns about the potential casting?

Next: Batman V Superman: Biggest Test Screening Spoilers & Details

Batman V Superman:Dawn of Justice will hit theaters on March 25th, 2016, followed by Suicide Squad on August 5th, 2016, Wonder Woman on June 23rd, 2017, Justice League on November 17th, 2017, The Flash on March 23rd, 2018, Aquaman on July 27th, 2018, Shazam on April 5th, 2019; Justice League 2 on June 14th, 2019, Cyborg on April 3rd, 2020, and Green Lantern Corps on June 19th, 2020.

Source: Reddit