The animated movie adaptation of Batman: Hush finally has a trailer. The film was announced last year, and will be the latest in a long line of Batman animated films. Back in March, the voice cast was revealed, bringing back Jason O’Mara as the voice of the Caped Crusader.

Written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Jim Lee, Batman: Hush was a major comic book storyline in the early 2000s. It introduced a new, deadly villain named Hush, who seemed to know all about Batman. A number of major characters appeared, including Joker, Poison Ivy, and Catwoman. One of the most memorable aspects was the appearance of Superman, and yes, he and Batman get to briefly fight. The idea of an animated adaptation was first brought up publicly during 2016 Fan Expo. Kevin Conroy discussed it with Mark Hamill then as a fun project idea, but nothing came out of that. Two years later, Warner Bros. announced an adaptation. Surprisingly, Conroy was not brought in for the project. Instead, it appeared DC was going to keep it in line with other films like Batman: Bad Blood and Justice League Dark by having the same voice cast.

IGN debuted the first trailer for Batman: Hush, which can be seen below. Fans of the comic will recognize scenes from the famous story. Despite the film seemingly being set in the current New 52/Rebirth animated continuity, it appears to be a faithful adaptation.

The trailer shows various scenes from the comic book, with a large emphasis on the early Poison Ivy-influenced Superman attack. We also see a bit of the famous Batman versus Joker sequence, the blossoming romance between Batman and Catwoman, and more. Interestingly, despite being in the voice cast, Damian Wayne is nowhere to be found in the trailer. He wasn’t in the comic book storyline, so it makes sense if he has a minimal role in the animated adaptation. Superman is sporting his Rebirth look.

The animated Batman films continue to be very popular. Before Batman: Hush, Warner Bros. is releasing the Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles crossover film. Batman: Hush, however, has the opportunity to be a well-received adaptation after the controversial Batman: The Killing Joke. Batman: The Killing Joke was a film adaptation that severely disappointed a number of fans. If Batman: Hush is a faithful retelling, containing the strong writing and characterization of the major players, fans should be in for a treat.

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Batman: Hush will be released in late summer.

Source: IGN