Batman and Catwoman are one of the most iconic couples in comics, whose ups and downs have been prominently on display throughout both character’s histories. In Batman/Catwoman, Bruce and Selina’s relationship is going to be explored in a big way.

DC Comics announced a Batman/Catwoman miniseries from Tom King and artist Clay Mann following the news his Batman run was going to be cut short after 85 issues. The series will explore Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle’s relationship and put a cap on the end of their story. In an interview with the Word Balloon podcast, King revealed the series is going to feature a big timeline that showcases their entire 50-year relationship.

Without getting into spoilers, King said the series will range from the moment Batman and Catwoman met, until the moment they die.

King said the series was ultimately inspired by Batman Annual #2, where Batman and Catwoman’s first and last kiss is shown. The Mister Miracle writer said in the interview he hasn’t had the chance to do something as simple and beautiful as the series. He compared the series to his version of the Dark Knight Returns. It’s going to be fascinating to read the series compared to his Batman work which was rushed out on a much quicker, double shipped schedule with some interesting mandates from DC Comics. King called the series “totally different” from his Batman run.

It’s hard to explain what Batman/Catwoman is without spoiling the whole thing," King explained. “It’s about a 50-year relationship between Batman and Catwoman from the moment they met until the moment they die and what that relationship does to them over all these years. It’s huge.

Considering the series will examine Bruce and Selina’s relationship over a long period of time, it’s safe to assume it’s going to feature both the good and the bad of their love story - which makes sense since no romance is ever fully perfect. Going from masked heroes to long-term partners is going to be an interesting transition to follow. King said the series will explore the pairing’s compatibility.

Will Batman and Catwoman get the happy ending both characters deserve? That remains unknown. It’s going to be really interesting to see their relationship be taken to new and exciting places. Batman/Catwoman is set to be a loving, complicated series.

“It’s a romance comic, but it’s about … when you couple with a person that coupling in itself changes, and you have to find out if that new person you are is compatible with the person you’ve chosen.”

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Source: Newsarama