When it comes to DC superheroes, some of them are better at relationships with other heroes while some prefer to stand alone. Bruce Wayne aka Batman is one of those lone wolves who really doesn’t trust his fellow heroes all that much and even has a contingency plan prepared against the remaining Justice League members in case they went rogue and had to be stopped.

Whether this makes Batman paranoid or just cautious could definitely be up for debate. His behavior aside, there are plenty of heroes who eventually came to know and respect Batman… and then there are few who despise him.

Despises: John Constantine

Despise is perhaps a bit strong word in this case but if you read the comics, you know that Batman and Constantine don’t get along much. They’re similar in the aspect that they make friends only with great difficulty. Constantine tends to push people away, whereas Batman doesn’t really trust them.

Also, Constantine works with magic which is something Batman tries to stay away from since it doesn’t fit the way he sees the world. Constantine himself isn’t all that impressed by Batman’s persona and his crime-fighting style. So when all is said and done, these men are just simply too different to become friends.

Respects: Nightwing

Dick Grayson aka Robin aka Nightwing joined Batman’s crusade when his parents died. Bruce helped to raise Dick and also trained him and made him into the first Robin. Even though there have been multiple Robins ever since Dick was the first one and no-one will ever take this position from him.

When he grew up and decided to start living on his own, things were rocky between him and Batman for a while but they eventually managed to reconcile and became friends. Dick greatly respects his mentor and adoptive parent, even though he doesn’t always agree with him, and they continue to fight the villains together from time to time.

Despises: Red Hood

Speaking of Robins… Jason Todd aka Red Hood is another former Robin, the second one after Dick Grayson. Jason was much more impulsive and violent than Dick. He was also the one Robin who died at Joker’s hand.

Jason later came back as the vigilante Red Hood and was a formidable opponent to Batman who didn’t at first realize who exactly he was dealing with. Fueled by hatred and heartbreak, Jason despised Batman for letting him die and not killing Joker for what he’d done. They later became friendly again but Jason and his death are still one of the great failures of Batman’s life.

Respects: Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman and Batman form an unlikely duo since the two people couldn’t possibly be more different. Batman is naturally pessimistic when it comes to people’s motives while Diana usually chooses to see the best in others. Still, they managed to strike a friendship and they work well together on the battlefield.

Plus, they’re also there for each other in their civil lives, as Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince. Like that time when Bruce tried to save Diana from a dinner date with Lex Luthor for charity. The comics also hinted at a possible romantic relationship between them but this never really came to be.

Despises: Plastic Man

Just like in the case of Jason Todd, Plastic Man’s hatred towards Batman didn’t last forever. Batman actually brought it on himself due to his actions.

In the now-famous comic book Tower of Babel by Mark Waid, Batman was responsible for a big crisis when a certain Justice League’s enemy stole Batman’s notes about how to take individual members of the League down and used the notes against them. When the League found out what Batman had done, some of them wanted him to leave the team for good. And one of these people was the Plastic Man who appeared absolutely disgusted by what he viewed as Batman’s betrayal.

Respects: The Flash

Similarly to Batman and Wonder Woman, the Flash and Batman have very different characters which sometimes make it difficult for them to see eye to eye. Flash is much more open and friendly than Batman, sometimes even slightly reckless.

However, these two have been through a lot of dangers together when they fought side by side as the Justice League’s members, and they know they can rely on one another when the situation calls for it. Plus, even though it sometimes looks like that the Flash is a bit afraid of Batman, he still respects the Dark Knight’s considerable skills.

Despises: Green Arrow

On the paper, it seems like Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow could be the best of friends. They both used to be reclusive superheroes and billionaires who had to maintain their public playboy persona for the sake of the public and cameras.

However, even though the fans didn’t get to see them interact on the big screen, they did so in the comics. Oliver seems very angry at Batman and it’s getting worse over time until Batman decides to confront his Justice League colleague. He finds out that Oliver is actually angry at himself and the Justice League since they considered wiping Batman’s memory a long time ago when Batman realized that the League had been doing something wrong. Talk about complicated work relationships.

Respects: Batgirl

You might think that Bruce and Barbara Gordon couldn’t possibly have anything in common. While it’s true that they’re in many ways different, they both care about Gotham and its people, so much so that they would sacrifice their lives for the city, should the situation require it.

When Barbara first became Batgirl, Batman highly disapproved but he eventually got over it and they began working together. The fact that Barbara respects the Dark Knight is obvious enough from the fact that she chose him as an inspiration for her superhero name and costume. Not to mention their brief romance in The Killing Joke animated film which made many fans cry out in outrage.

Despises: Supergirl

The sad fact is that the relationship between Batman and Supergirl was pretty much doomed from the start… mostly thanks to Batman’s naturally suspicious character.

When Supergirl first arrived on Earth, Superman immediately took her in, overjoyed at finding another member of his species. Batman, on the other hand, didn’t trust Supergirl and repeatedly pointed out that not only she didn’t know how to properly handle her powers, she also could have had ulterior motives and could have turned out to be very dangerous. And, while the two of them later became a bit more civil to each other, you probably won’t see them playing cards together anytime soon.

Respects: Superman

Probably the most complicated relationship on this list is the one between Batman and Superman. Batman didn’t trust Superman for a long time and even when they eventually became friends, he was still worried that something might cause the Superman to snap one day and then it would be up to Batman to stop him.

On the other hand, Batman and Superman worked together countless times to save the Earth and even spend time together when they’re not fighting villains. Plus, Superman is the one person who almost always has Batman’s back, unless he’s being mind-controlled or similarly affected. They fought multiple times in the comics but still mostly managed to remain friends at the end of the day.