One of the biggest appeals of Batman is that he has no superpowers, meaning if we trained really, really hard and studied really, really intensely we too could take up the mantle of The Dark Knight! Well, maybe. We would also have to inherit billions of dollars and find a nice big mansion that just happens to have a huge secret cave underneath it. Even though he is a “normal person” you still need an element of the fantastical for a Batman story to work.

Otherwise, we would all be running around the streets in spandex stopping bank robberies and punching incel clowns in the mouth. One thing that is certainly fantastic is Batman’s utility belt. How does everything fit inside of it? Why does it tend to be bright yellow instead of a stealthier tone? Does it actually fulfill the practical purpose of holding up the Bat-pants? Who cares! All that matters is it’s filled with his wonderful toys, so let take a look at ten of the coolest!

The Bat Cuffs

No real thrills about this one, but it’s a practical necessity for crime-fighting. Rather than wasting precious rope tying them up, or just beating his prey into unconsciousness in hopes they don’t wake up until the police arrive, Batman needs the bat cuffs to keep whatever culprit he apprehends from acting up.

Extra handy if he needs to transport them in the batmobile, as it stops the crook from setting off bat rockets or changing stations on the bat radio. 

The Bat Rebreather

Should Batman find himself needing to swim under the surface for a prolonged amount of time, in the middle of a gas attack or Robin accidentally lets one slip during a long Batmobile journey (the windows are surprisingly hard to open), Batman can rely upon his trusty rebreather to clear the air.

The rebreather, of course, can also be used in conjunction with a larger oxygen tank and specialty bat-suits should Batman need to sink to extreme depths or levitate past the atmosphere. The Justice League likes to party in some gnarly places after all.

Kryptonite Ring

Technically not a gadget, but Batman needs to be prepared for any scenario the DC universe throws at him, and Superman gone bad is probably problem numero uno.

Hidden in a lead-lined container so that no prying x-ray eyes can take a peek, the ring is always on Batman’s person. If need be he can quickly slip it on should he feel the need to give someone who is practically a God a practical smack in the mouth.


The bat laser is a cutting edge device that allows Batman to, well, cut edges, and lines and all manner of things thanks to its super slicey beam.

Whether it’s trying to get through a locked door, a metal fence, or trying to escape some dastardly villain’s elaborate death trap which said villain never normally has enough time to hang around and make sure it does its job. The laser cutter is basically one of Batman’s many ways of pulling a Houdini. It also works underwater!

Smoke Pellets

The laser cutter is used by Batman to escape physical binds, but the smoke pellets are what he needs to escape sight. Helping old-timey magicians and villains make theatrical exits for years and years, Batman’s smoke pellets come in a pill-sized capsule form.

Thus, it’s one of the few pieces of artillery in the utility belt that can realistically fit in one of its compartments. The trick is not to confuse them with the bat-aspirin when he feels a tight cowl migraine coming on.

Bat- Bombs

Sometimes, when all else fails, the only course of action to take is to blow something up. While the Arkham games tend to favor explosives in shaving foam form, nothing beats the satisfying clink, clink, BOOM! of a tiny Bat-grenade rolling to the feet of an evildoer and blowing up in his face.

Despite the fact that every hack director may try to convince you otherwise, Batman doesn’t do murder. So the Bombs come in a variety of strengths. From concussion bangs to disorientate and scare enemies, to bigger blows used for smashing down walls and taking outbuildings, the Bat-bomb is designed to get any party started with a bang.

The Batmobile Remote

Can’t remember where you parked? Have far too much shopping to carry by yourself? Need to make a speedy escape from a rage and weaponized steroid fuelled psycho in a Lucha mask? Then the Batmobile voice remote has got you covered.

Making its debut 25 years before Alexa, the voice-activated Bat remote will home into your precise location. Alternatively, whip out your smart device and take control of a rocket-powered race car tank from the comfort of your Bat-Sofa.

Ultra Sonic Bat Beacon

One of the few pieces of Bat-equipment to not only have Bat in the title but actually involves bats!  Playing on an ultra-high frequency that for some reason only attracts bats and no other animals, which is a good thing actually otherwise the Batman would be less Dark Knight Detective and more Disney princess, and at last check, the house of mouse hasn’t brought Warner Brothers (yet).

The Bat-Beacon pretty much serves the same purpose as the smoke pellets. A distraction to escape, only it’s a thousand times more terrifying, and a thousand times more droppings.

The Grapple Hook

It’s hard to believe that in the 80+ years of The Batman’s existence, the grapple hook has only been around for only a third or so of that time. It was introduced in Batman 1989 as a means for Bruce to scale buildings, trip up baddies and reach things from a far distance and has been adopted by pretty much every Batman medium since.

The grapple hook comes in various forms, including a slightly more cumbersome line launcher which provides speedy transitions of long distances. An essential tool for any game of “the floor is lava”.

The Batarang

Finally, as if there was any doubt, the top of our list has to be the trusty Batarang. It has come in many shapes and sizes over the years and at some point has incorporated every other gadget on this list. Sharp ninja star Batarangs, remote-controlled batarangs, climbing rope batarangs, explosive batarangs, the list is almost impossible to completely compile even for the biggest bat-fan.

Our favorite has to be the standard blunt edge incarnation though. Despite all the funding, technology and fantasy of everything else in the belt, nothing brings more pleasure than Batman throwing a bat-shaped spinny stick at some criminal masterminds noggin.

Next: 10 Best Guest Stars On The 60’s Batman TV Show