In 2013, Bates Motel premiered on A&E. A contemporary take on Alfred Hitchcock’s classic, Psycho, the series was one of the most unique and immersive on TV. Bates Motel featured a very small, tight-knit cast of characters, and the notorious Norman Bates and his mother were portrayed by none other than Freddie Highmore and Vera Farmiga.

Bates Motel spanned five seasons and concluded in March of 2017. Being rather short-lived, the series is often overlooked today and doesn’t receive nearly the praise it should.

Bates Motel was a complex, multilayered show that featured complex, intriguing characters, and thrilling storylines. It’s still in fans’ hearts, long after its conclusion. So let’s take a look at 10 Bates Motel storylines that were never resolved.


An anomaly about Norman Bates was, despite his extreme, rather off-putting awkwardness, the ladies seemed to fall all over him. This was especially true in the earlier seasons of Bates Motel, when not only was Norman dating several girls, but his best friend, Emma, was also nursing a significant crush on him. This whole phenomenon doesn’t really make sense at all, but that aside, Emma’s crush on Norman was focused on for several seasons, and then discarded out of the blue.

Emma eventually struck up a romance with Norman’s older brother, Dylan. But why did she lose interest in Norman in the first place when she seemed so taken with him in the early seasons?



Norman’s had several relationships over the course of Bates Motel. He dated Bradley, had a rather creepy thing going with his English teacher, and then there was his last girlfriend, Cody. A troubled girl with a dysfunctional home life, Norman seemed infatuated with Cody, but this is a storyline that seemed to ultimately just fizzle out with little explanation.


About midway through Bates Motel, Norma grows tired of constantly putting up with Norman and his multitude of complicated issues. She embarks on a quest to make some normal friends, because as she states early on in the show, “crazy people keep gravitating toward me.”

Norma does make some friends - some rather rich, stuck-up friends -  but her fiery personality gets the better of her. After she loses these friends, Norma promptly seems to give up.


Gruff but lovable Sheriff Romero certainly had a shady, sordid past. Some episodes would focus on this, and reveal some of the enemies Romero made. Alex was undeniably a crooked cop, but his heart seemed to usually be in the right place.

Despite insinuations that Romero’s past is quite the dark and complicated one, the show never really dives deep into what actually occurred all those years ago, and ended leaving that storyline unresolved.


Dylan quickly gets into the business of drug dealing after he moves to the Bates Motel. In a jarring scene, his first boss is murdered, and a replacement steps in. Remo and Dylan are forced to work together. Their relationship is rocky at first, but the two gradually become friends.

That is until Remo disappears at the beginning of the third season. He makes a quick appearance in season 5, but his absence is never addressed or explained.


Dylan’s evolution from shady bad boy to loving husband and father was as beautiful as it was completely strange. It seemed clear that the Bates Motel writers had a much different plan for Dylan in mind when they first introduced him on the show.

Dylan was a much different character back then, and he displayed a shadiness that was hard to figure out. Nevertheless, his path was changed for the better.


Emma was introduced early on in Bates Motel’s first season, in which she was shown to be quite sick with cystic fibrosis. This is a highly aggressive disease, and as it’s stated by Emma’s father early on, most CF sufferers don’t survive past their twenties.

However, Emma does receive a lung transplant later on in the series, and this seems to be a cure for her. But usually, that’s not actually the case; CF is aggressive and will usually return despite the transplant.


Throughout Bates Motel, Emma and Norma had a very close relationship. Since Emma’s mother abandoned her, Norma acted as something of a mother figure for her. This should have only been strengthened when Emma and Dylan began their relationship, but instead, Norma and Emma’s bond was discarded.

This was mostly due to Dylan and Emma moving out of Oregon, but it would have made sense for Emma and Norma to at least remain close.


Norman Bates took a lot of lives in his teen years. There were countless incidents and murders that occurred while Norman was having one of his black-outs, so obviously, there would be a surplus of dead bodies hidden on the property of the Bates Motel.

Yet this is never really touched on. Bodies should have been found and authority figures should have been suspicious of Norman, but he seemed to get away unscathed for the most part.


The series finale of Bates Motel was thrilling, poignant, and deeply emotional. The show ends with Dylan ultimately taking his brother’s life out of mercy, and a flash-forward sequence provides a look at Dylan’s happily ever after with Emma and their daughter.

With Norman gone, the motel was obviously sold, but what happened to it after all of these events remains a complete mystery. Fans can’t help but wonder what became of the old house and the modest motel that their favorite characters inhabited for so many years.