^ Omegacron the article-making machine.

Over the past 4 weeks team Omegacron has been doing awesomely; we might not have won every week but we are giving these new kids a run for their money. All of my teammates are doing an amazing job, especially considering the fact that we all have jobs and a limited time to write. We are all pumping out our required articles every day and when one of us is busy, we all lend a hand to help out. Thankfully this phase our team didn’t lose a single person, but sadly, this is our last run together as Omegacron. Don’t worry, this is only because we are each going to lead a new team of interns in the next phase.

I have learned a ton in this internship–my articles are getting better and better, and I am making far fewer mistakes than when I started. I was not very good at grammar or punctuation when I started, but the team and Katy have helped me a lot. Anybody reading this that is interested in an internship, I highly recommend taking the chance. It is well worth the time you put into it. You can check out all the details for applying to the Orzhov phase of the internship here.

Overall, I would recommend this internship to anyone interested in the gaming industry. Not only will it help you get your foot in the door but you will meet some awesome people and learn a ton. I am going to miss Team Omegacron in the next phase, but hopefully we will all keep in touch.

R.I.P Omegacron.

Our illustrious leader, Emmelinep:

Our social media head, Mirroredsakura:

Our crazy editor, Jamie K:

Our quiet editor, MirandaCB:

The lonely writer, Smoky Grey: