A new parody for the first Black Mirror movie Bandersnatch takes the adventure to a restaurant setting. Black Mirror has been making people feel uneasy and rethink their daily lives since 2011, but Black Mirror: Bandersnatch has changed the game with an innovative choose-your-own adventure-style film.

While TV shows often branch off into actual feature-length films, Bandersnatch was unique as it gave viewers the option to pick their own adventure. This meant that when a character came to a decision that had to be made, two choices would pop up on the screen, allowing the viewer to ultimately change the plot of the movie with a click of their remote. The movie offered up a unique concept, with several different endings available for viewers to unlock, while still tying into the growing Black Mirror universe. Now, this idea has been applied to a parody within a restaurant setting.

Posted on YouTube by Shift Drinks, this short parody video imagines a restaurant waiter being controlled by a choose-your-own adventure type scenario no different than Stefan Butler (Fionn Whitehad) in Bandersnatch. The video comes in right around two-and-a-half minutes, but encompasses a considerable amount of choices a waiter might make on a daily basis. The full video can be seen below:

Bandersnatch was a change of pace from the usual hour-long episodes, but the television side of Black Mirror will still continue on Netflix. Despite the TV show not returning in 2018, season 5 of Black Mirror is likely coming this year. Black Mirror season 5 began filming in early 2018, which means that the season is likely nearing completion. Very little information has been released for season 5, but it’s been confirmed that Miley Cyrus will star in one episode, and creator Charlie Brooker has previously stated that Black Mirror season 5 will have more optimistic episodes.

While not a lot is known about the next season of Black Mirror, Bandersnatch will be able to provide people with their Black Mirror fix until season 5 airs. Bandersnatch runs for an hour and 30 minutes, but with all of the choices viewers make, the length varies per person. Most reviews for Bandersnatch have been positive, and the film is truly paving the way for a whole new interactive genre of film. With the attention the film has been getting, hilarious parodies like the one above will surely continue to come out in the coming months.

More: Black Mirror: Bandersnatch Has Scenes That May Never Be Unlocked

Source: Shift Drinks