The Baldur’s Gate 3 studio says the game was included in Stadia’s 2020 lineup by mistake, but developer Larian Studios had already teased players with new information coming soon before calling out Google for their error. Following what appeared to be an explosive announcement related to the upcoming installment to the popular classic isometric RPG series based on Dungeons and Dragons, Larian said that the game should not have been announced for 2020. The existence of Baldur’s Gate 3 was originally announced during a Google Stadia event, but no release date was mentioned. Naturally, fans were excited to hear that the game would be coming in 2020 after Google’s news broke. Unfortunately, that may or may not be true.

Recently, Google listed Baldur’s Gate 3 as a 2020 release in a blog post which also mentioned other upcoming games to the Stadia platform, including but not limited to titles like DOOM Eternal, Get Packed, and Orcs Must Die! 3. The developers quickly clarified that Baldur’s Gate 3 was included in the listing by mistake. Notably, it did not deny (or confirm) that a 2020 release date is coming. Baldur’s Gate 3 won’t be Steam exclusive - it already has pages on Steam and GoG. However, a recent Twitter post from last month may hint the game is closer than developers are letting on.

The official Baldur’s Gate 3 Twitter account recently revealed, or rather hinted, at an upcoming announcement of sorts on January 16th. “Something’s brewing,” the 28-second video, which shows brief glimpses of what appear to be the game, says. The video includes the date 2/27/20 - which is likely when eager fans get to learn what, exactly, is brewing.

This tweet broke a long silence from the account, which had lain dormant since July 2019. This latest installment in the Baldur’s Gate series is particularly exciting for fans, who have not seen a new addition since Baldur’s Gate 2 released in September 2000. With games like Pillars of Eternity finding a dedicated audience, now would quite likely be a fantastic time for a new entry in the Baldur’s Gate series to make an appearance.

If the big reveal in the upcoming announcement embedded above is indeed the new Baldur’s Gate 3 release date, one can see how Larian might feel about Stadia breaking the news before the developer had a chance to do so. A 2020 release date has not yet been denied by the developers, so it is entirely possible that such an announcement will be at least part of the game’s planned late-February reveal. No matter what, fans have a lot to be excited about with the return of Baldur’s Gate.

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Source: Twitter