Google may have let it slip that Baldur’s Gate 3 is arriving in 2020, in a recent report about the Google Stadia. The blog post, meant to reveal forthcoming games for Google’s streaming console alternative, included a mention of Baldur’s Gate 3, indicating that the long-anticipated RPG would arrive sometime this year. It’s the first hint of release date information for the game.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is the third installment in a series directly inspired by the table-top roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons. The video game is known for its unique fantasy setting, deep gameplay, and exciting characters. Rumors of a third installment for the series have circulated for years, but only recently was BD3 confirmed, with Larian Studios in charge of development. Larian is most known for its splendid RPG work on Divinity: Original Sin 2, and is considered an excellent choice for helming the Baldur’s Gate franchise.

The surprise reveal comes from a blog post by Google, focused on five upcoming games destined for release on their somewhat beleaguered streaming platform. Additionally, it mentions several more games in the works for 2020, specifically noting: “DOOM Eternal, Get Packed, Orcs Must Die! 3, Baldur’s Gate 3, and many more.” Since Stadia’s focus is streaming games that are also available on other platforms (Playstation, Xbox, PC), it was easy to surmise that BD3 is slated to release everywhere in 2020, giving fans an intoxicating bit of information… even if it’s not technically confirmed.

The developers have since walked back this bit of blog post info with an update from Larian Studio to PCGames, stating BG3 was included on the list by accident. The studio clarified that they haven’t officially announced a released date yet. Notably, they did not confirm or deny if BG3 would be released in 2020. Other reports seem to indicate that the game is significantly far along in development, for example, a tweet from Larian’s CEO in February 2020, suggested he was playing Baldur’s Gate 3 in an airport, which is not something easily done with a game still in alpha conditions.

If Baldur’s Gate 3 is coming sometime in the next eight months, an announcement probably isn’t too far away. We already know the game will not be exclusive and has more than 100 hours of content, along with both co-op and single-player modes. Larian hinted that more important news is coming at the end of February. If anything, it looks like Google stole some wind from their sails with this accident.

Next: More Baldur’s Gate 3 Details Revealed At E3 2019

Source: Stadia/PCGames