Peter Weber from The Bachelor recently compared his bloody set injury to a murder scene. Weber became tabloid fodder and the butt of a Halloween parody by fellow Bachelor alum Nick Viall following an injury he sustained while filming season 24.

The accident happened while Weber was in Costa Rica on the quest to find his wife. The show was taping one of its infamous dating segments in the Central American country when Weber, while in a golf cart, had a nasty altercation with its windshield. The pilot was just weeks into taping his season when the incident occurred. Host and producer Chris Harrison immediately went public to assuage the public’s fears and let everyone know that Pilot Pete would be OK. The story wound up taking on a life of its own, with Weber’s injuries described in various ways by different media outlets. The 28-year-old pilot set the record straight himself.

“There was a ton of blood. It looked like a murder scene when it happened,” he explained to ET. “It just started pouring out.” He added, “My forehead was literally split open.” However, it wasn’t a moving violation that caused the problem. Instead it was Weber’s own bad luck to blame. “I just sat in the golf cart, banged my head, reacted and smashed the glass in my forehead,” he said. “There’s the battle scar,” he pointed out, which required him to get stitches.

Weber confessed that by the time the production made its way to Chile, his stitches were gone. Still, his emotional scars were still there. Weber, who is half-Latino from Cuban heritage, spent his time in South America crying and pining over his would-be wives. He explained that it was hard for him to give his heart to multiple women, and that the final week of the show really took its toll on him. So much, that he won’t even admit whether or not he’s engaged.

Season 24 of The Bachelor is shaping up to be high on drama. First, we have a Bachelor with an unmatched sexual prowess (ahem, four times in a windmill). Next, the cat fights haven’t even aired yet and there’s already bloodletting. Peter Weber’s unfortunate accident in Costa Rica may just be one of the best things to happen to this season before its arrival because it shocked fans into sympathizing with him. Now that Weber is shown to be in good health, watching the golf cart drama unfold will be another must-see moment for Bachelor Nation faithful. With Hannah Brown’s lively cameo, a gaggle of beautiful ladies looking for love, and Weber’s undeniable likability, season 24 looks unforgettable.

Next: Bachelor Star Catherine Giudici Spending Christmas In The Hospital For Pregnancy

Source: ET