Former Bachelor in Paradise stars Chris Randone and Krystal Nielson are officially married after getting engaged on the show last June. Krystal appeared on season 22 of The Bachelor, and Chris was part of Becca Kufrin’s season on The Bachelorette.  It was another successful love story for Bachelor Nation

During their journey on Bachelor in Paradise, Chris and Krystal were matched up with other cast members before going on their first date together. They were inseparable from then on, carrying out a romantic on-camera relationship. Chris admitted that when he first arrived at the show, he put on a tough guy façade in order to impress the others, but Krystal saw through the act. He said that she pulled him aside and told him that if he didn’t learn some self-awareness, he would lose her. It was this moment of frank honesty that made Chris realize he needed to lower his guard and open his heart to her.

According to E! News, that connection on the show ultimately led to a proposal. Chris asked for Krystal’s hand in marriage by way of a 2-carat Neil Lane ring. In what Chris admits was a rapid set of circumstances, they were living together in San Diego by October. However, Chris admitted that in the world of reality TV, the actual time they spent together was equal to several months of dating, allowing them to experience more in a shorter amount of time. That expedited courtship put them on the fast lane to engagement and, finally, marriage. The couple decided to go back to where it all began, in Mexico, where the two carried out their wedding ceremony in front of friends, family, co-stars, and television cameras.

The wedding was officiated by none other than Bachelor in Paradise host Chris Harrison, with several of their castmates present to witness the union, including Ashley Iaconetti, Jared Haibon, Becca Kufrin, and Ben Higgins. The wedding was small, but glamorous; and the exchanging of vows was apparently so touching that guests were moved to tears.

Chris also believes that his relationship can be a source of inspiration for others, saying, “I think our love story promotes giving a second chance at whatever it is in life or whatever type of relationship because there’s always light at the end of the tunnel.” Now, the newlyweds are embarking on their new journey together, looking forward to taking the fans along for the ride. When asked about sharing her big day with America, Krystal remarked that as someone who shares her life on social media, all the details would be in her Instagram Stories anyway, saying, “As far as being televised, we’re not opposed to it. We just care about wine, food, and music.”

Considering that the wedding was described as an “intimate” affair, it might seem a bit incongruous to then have the entire event air on cable. Even so, Chris and Krystal are a product of their Bachelor/Bachelorette experience and owe their beloved union to the show. Either way, it’s what fans of the show crave, and ABC will always be ready and willing to feed the fantasy.

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Chris and Krystal’s wedding will air August 5 on the season premiere of Bachelor in Paradise at 8pm EST on ABC.

Source: E! News