Although fans of The Bachelor were already deeply upset about Peter Weber’s decision to take Victoria Fuller to Fantasy Suite dates, the Bachelor added insult to injury when he spent most of his time with Victoria praising her and ignoring her bad behavior. Although Victoria has been the most frustrating and controversial contestant of the season, Peter’s sweeping statements seemingly excused her frustrating theatrics.

From the very start of the season, Victoria Fuller could only be described as a hot mess. She was prone to tear-filled fits and dramatic breakdowns, usually when she felt that she wasn’t getting enough attention from Peter. Over the course of the season, however, Victoria’s antics took a more sinister turn. She transformed from an emotional and insecure contestant to a catty and manipulative girlfriend. During last week’s hometown date, Peter’s ex-girlfriend informed that he should watch out for Victoria. The whistle-blower stated that Victoria has ruined many relationships and that she certainly didn’t have Peter’s best interests in mind. When Peter confronted Victoria, she fell back on her typical manipulation techniques. She turned the conversation around on him, stormed off, and generally made him feel like he was at fault for asking a question. Despite their blow-up fight, Peter chose to give Victoria a rose.

While fans were already upset that Peter kept Victoria, the Bachelor then spent most of the date talking about how great their relationship was, as if he had forgotten everything that happened just a week prior. At the start of their date, Peter started by addressing their fight during hometowns. But instead of holding Victoria responsible, he gave her an out. He said, “From our last conversation in Virginia Beach, I want you to know that I trust you and that I have your back. I have your side.” But why would you trust her, Peter, when she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence to defend herself? The ridiculousness continued later, when Peter said, “I love everything about m\y relationship with Victoria, except when it comes to just communicating and having to have tough talks.” Does Peter realize that if you can’t communicate with someone, that’s probably not a good sign? But Peter didn’t stop there, he continued on, saying, “As difficult as it has been for her and as many times as she’s wanted to walk away she hasn’t.” He’s basically applauding her for not breaking up with him. The man’s standards for a lifelong relationship are on the ground.

Peter’s sweeping statements about Victoria continued into the nighttime portion of their date. In an interview, he stated, “This is for sure the most tested relationship that I have here. I’m not necessarily mad about that because through those issues I’ve learned a lot about her.” What has he learned about her? That she likes to walk away? After he sat down for dinner across from Victoria, they started to discuss the issues in their relationship. Victoria asked what she could do to improve their relationship, and Peter responded, knowing exactly what happened last week, with, “There’s nothing that you need to work on at all…when we aren’t faced with issues.” The fact that he could even say the first part of the statement is upsetting given her volatile behavior over the course of the entire season. He then reiterated his gratitude that she hasn’t dumped him, saying, “It’s no secret that you have tried at some points to push me away and tried to walk away and I know that you’ve haven’t been able to. And I’m thankful for that.” 

Given his comments last night, it’s obvious that Peter has a massive blind spot in his relationship with Victoria. The girl is practically made out of red flags, yet Peter continues to insist that their relationship is perfect. His sweeping declarations were ridiculous, but - even more concerning -  they were also completely at odds with what’s actually happening. Peter’s opinion of Victoria isn’t based in reality, which doesn’t bode well for his future wife.

Next: Which Bachelor Contestant Is Peter’s Mom Begging Him to Bring Home? 

The Bachelor airs Mondays at 8pm EST on ABC.