Prerequisite: How to Get Into the Web Development World Web development has several aspects. First, there is the front end UI/UX or user interface/user experience portion. This is where designers work. Designers usually work with CSS and several different JS libraries to create a front end design. The other part of web development is backend code. The language you choose usually has to do with your area of expertise and the environment you feel most comfortable with. For instance, you might prefer Windows over Linux, which means you’d probably gravitate towards the .NET languages (C# and VB.NET). If you prefer Linux environments, you want to look into PHP development for backend website design and programming. Fill out the form below to get in touch with one of our Training Advisers to explore your options and determine if web development is the right career for you. What Does a Web Developer Do? Web developers are the people who design and code the front end tools and sites you see on the Internet. These developers usually keep up with the latest trends in various UI and backend coding standards. Web developers mostly work with backend code such as C#, Python, Ruby or PHP. They work with database languages and platforms such as MongoDB, SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle. They then use client side scripting (JavaScript) libraries such as Knockout or Angular to create an interactive front end design. What Type of Salary Does a Web Developer Make? Web developer is usually a great starting place for software development. You usually start off as a junior web developer and work your way up into lead developer. After a while, you can move into other aspects of software development like enterprise or mobile development. Understanding how web apps work is important for any type of enterprise or cloud application. A starting junior developer is usually just out of college and can make $20,000 to $30,000 each year, depending on your location. Also, it depends on the language you choose. A standard HTML developer makes $20,000 each year, but a .NET web developer makes about $80,000 each year. A lead .NET developer makes about $90,000 to $100,000 each year, but a lead developer has much more responsibility. Front end developers are responsible for the UI/UX of an app, and they make about $75,000 each year. Senior web developers make about $90,000 each year. The graph below gives you some salary numbers to expect if you want to work in the web development field.

Web development is an exciting career and a great place to get started in the programming industry.