Average Cost Of Lawyer For Speeding Ticket

You won’t be free, even after paying the fine designated to a speeding ticket. 

Let’s say your yearly insurance premium is $1220. But when you add a traffic ticket, you’ll be paying44% more. 

That is an additional $536.8 to your yearly budget. Multiply this by the three years it would be on your record- you’ll get $1,610. 

We both know you can think of other pleasurable things you can use $1,610 on. So why would you pay that much on a traffic ticket? It’s nothing more than an inconvenience to your budget.

In addition to the fine, your insurance premiums and demerit points increase, and if things go south, you can lose your driver’s license; or your job, if you’re a professional driver.

So what can you do to reduce the chances of these unhappy events happening? 

The short answer: get a traffic lawyer.

But Do You Really Need A lawyer For Speeding Ticket?

Even after reading of the penalties that your traffic lawyer can chip away in large chunks, you may still be questioning why it is so necessary to get one.

You can just represent yourself in court right? Well, yes you can. But you’ll miss one or more work days (piling up work in the process), a weekend with the family, and have to wait long hours before your case is called.

Aside from this, you do not know about the loopholes on your ticket you can leverage to warrant a dismissal- neither do you know how to argue them.

In the end, you can lose a fun weekend, pile up work in the office… and still lose the case. 

If you are still not convinced, answer the following questions:

What is the total cost of a traffic ticket that you will have to pay? Is it a lot?Can you afford to have a lot of penalty points on your license?By what percentage will your insurance payments increase?

If your replies make you nervous, you’ll need the help of a traffic lawyer to save the situation before it gets out of hand.

What Is The Average Cost Of A Lawyer For A peeding Ticket?

To hire a traffic lawyer, you’ll need an average fee of $155. But if you live in an area that has a high cost of living, hiring a traffic lawyer can cost as much as $315. 

Your traffic lawyer may charge about $200-$500 for restricted and reasonably basic legal services for a small speeding ticket or other traffic infraction, depending on location and circumstances. Most lawyers charge a flat fee rather than an hourly cost in this case.

The average cost of a traffic lawyer isn’t a flat rate though- it is influenced by three sole factors. These factors are:

How fast you were driving: If you exceeded the designated limit, say above 20-25mph, you’ll be fined about $208. The fine increases as your speed limit increase

Whether you were involved in careless and reckless driving: A careless driver doesn’t intend to harm someone or something but the reckless driver does. If you were driving dangerously, you’ll need from $900-$2000+ to hire a traffic lawyer.

The number of trips the lawyer has to make to court: Due to the seriousness of the case, it can drag on for a longer period. The lawyer would have to sacrifice his/her time on your behalf.

If your speeding case is particularly tough to crack, your attorney’s fees can run $2000-$5000. If this is the case, your attorney must search for every tactic that will help you win this case, paying special attention to nuances that many traffic lawyers overlook.

What If You Were Sanctioned For Something Other Than Speeding?

If you were sanctioned for an offense that wasn’t speeding, it may most likely be a compliance offense.

‘Compliance offense’ means the offense where the prosecutor is more particular on whether you have fixed the problem rather than punishing you for it. 

Some examples are:

Driving with expired vehicle registration papersDriving with a too dark headlightsDriving cars with excessively tinted windowsDriving with an expired driver’s license

As all of these situations are non-speeding cases, you just need to take the necessary measures to correct them. You do not even need a lawyer- so you don’t have to spend a lot of money. 


Try to avoid traffic offenses as much as you can. If in any case, you record one (or two), make sure you decide on a traffic lawyer early enough.