WARNING: This post contains spoilers for Avengers: Infinity War


After 18 movies over the course of 10 years, Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War has managed to be not only an incredibly entertaining (and depressing) movie, but one that improves on some of the characters we have already come to know and love. That’s an impressive feat especially considering the sheer number of characters featured in the film. Directors Joe and Anthony Russo prove they can not only handle all of these heroes, but expand on their stories the way the solo films could not.

Fans have already spent at least two movies, if not more, with most of the characters featured in Infinity War. The connection to their story already runs deep. For those who have been with the MCU from the very beginning, Robert Downey Jr’s Iron Man has been part of the pop culture lexicon since 2008. You would think after eight years of playing the same character it would get old, but Infinity War proves that Downey has never been better. And he’s not the only one who gets the chance to shine in the ensemble film. Thor, Gamora, and even the Mad Titan himself are all better in Infinity War than they’ve ever been.

Not every character in Infinity War gets their own arc. In fact, several notable Avengers are missing from the film completely. Some heroes, like Captain America and Black Widow, get very little to do (or say). However, the characters the film does focus on get storylines that move them into new directions, something that even their solo films don’t always accomplish.


After Thor: Ragnarok, it’s hard to imagine how the God of Thunder could get any better. The third film showcased the character’s heart, powers, and sense of humor in a franchise that had always seemed to be lacking. But it is in Infinity War where Thor really gets to grow as a character. He is not only the clear hero of the film, but also the strongest Avenger. From meeting the Guardians to his mission to Nidavellir to forge Stormbreaker, Thor has some of the funniest moments in the film as well as some of the most important.

To create the weapon to replace his mighty hammer, Thor must undertake a dangerous journey with his new friends. This weapon is the only thing that can help his team come close to beating Thanos and Thor is willing to put himself in danger to do so. He exposes himself to the heat of a star just long enough to heat Eitri’s forge and almost dies in the process. He selflessness pays off, his weapon, Stormbreaker, changes the tide in the Battle of Wakanda. Things are looking pretty bad for our heroes until Thor shows up. With his new axe by his side, he is able to make quick work of the bad guys.

It is not just Thor’s importance to the fight with Thanos, but his emotional journey that makes him a candidate for most improved character. The Thor seen in Ragnarok and Infinity War has come a long way from the spoiled prince from the first Thor film who was not worthy to wield his hammer. He has become a true leader. He is willing to sacrifice himself without hesitation. His mission is not solely one of revenge, although that is a motivating factor, but one of wanting to protect the universe - something he could not do for his own people. Despite the humor, there is a weight to Chris Hemsworth’s performance and a recognition of just what Thor has lost to become this mighty warrior with nothing left to lose.

Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch has never been a star of her own movie. She worked alongside Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron before changing sides and becoming a member of Team Cap in Captain America: Civil War. Much of her character has been defined by her fear of her powers, especially after accidentally killing a number of people while on a mission in Lagos. That’s because Scarlet Witch wields incredible power. The stakes in Infinity War finally give Scarlet Witch a chance to unleash these powers in a way previously not seen in the films.

Scarlet Witch’s most important role in the film is protecting the Mind Stone, embedded in the forehead of Vision. Both of them know that she is the only one powerful enough to destroy the stone which is the preferable outcome to Thanos harnessing its power. But she is faced with an impossible decision knowing that to destroy the stone would also kill the man she loves. Scarlet Witch has already lost her family, her country, and her brother. She has overcome all of this trauma and become a hero, but losing one more person, at her own hands is not something she is willing to face.

However, when the time comes, Scarlet Witch proves her strength. She not only destroys the Mind Stone, but holds back Thanos in the process. Unfortunately, Thanos is able to use the Time Stone to undo her work and save the stone. It is worth noting that going back in time is the only way Thanos can defeat Scarlet Witch because she’s just that powerful. Letting her use these powers (Okoye marvels at them after Scarlet Witch saves her life during the battle) allows the character to hold her own against the rest of the Avengers and prove her worth to the franchise.


Gamora has been a badass member of the Guardians of the Galaxy for two films now, but it is her relationship with Thanos that makes Infinity War so interesting. As the (adopted) daughter of Thanos, Gamora has had to deal with an incredible amount of emotional trauma over the years. The people on her planet were massacred, she was forced to fight her sister Nebula, and made to do Thanos’ bidding. Somehow Thanos convinced himself that he was doing these things out of love for his daughter. Gamora never gave in, even hiding the location of the Soul Stone from her daddy dearest.

Despite it all, Gamora has managed to grow as a character. She is able to declare her love for Star-Lord when a few films ago she was barely willing to dance with him. She has mended the relationship with her sister. She is even willing to die rather than reveal the location of the Soul Stone. However, it is this love for Nebula that Thanos uses against her. When Thanos threatens Nebula, Gamora gives in and tells him the location of the stone. Saving her sister from any more torment is more important than her own life. It is a nice change to see from the hardened assassin first introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy.


Since the mid-credit scene in the first Avengers film, fans have been waiting for Thanos to take on the heroes of the MCU. Despite mostly appearing in post-credit stingers and what amounts to basically a cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy, the Mad Titan has made his presence known. When Loki and Ronan failed to do his bidding, Thanos decided to take matters into his own hands and find the Infinity Stones on his own. And, as proven in Infinity War, he was rather successful.

Marvel has promised Thanos as a villain as early as 2011 with Thor. They have called Infinity War, “The most ambitious crossover to date.” Only a particularly evil villain could have the power to bring all of the heroes featured in the film together. It seems impossible that any bad guy could live up to that hype. However, Thanos exceeded expectations. He was pure evil and acted without mercy, even killing his own daughter (the thing he loved most in the world) in the quest to achieve his goal. His sacrifice of Gamora even allowed for (the smallest amount of) empathy for the character and proof that there might be a heart somewhere in there.

While it’s easy to improve on his previous near non-existence, Josh Brolin brought Thanos to life. He made the character a real threat and made good on the promise Marvel made all those years ago.

Doctor Strange

As shown in his solo movie, Doctor Strange doesn’t really play well with others. The Master of the Mystical arts is intelligent and capable of wielding magic as well as the Time Stone, but he doesn’t seem to have many friends outside of the devoted Wong. He has yet to be a part of an MCU team. Fans going into the film were interested to see how Doctor Strange would work together with the other Avengers, especially the equally snarky and smart Tony Stark.

From the start there was tension between Iron Man and Doctor Strange as they trade barbs and try to one-up each other while taking on Thanos’ Black Order. But it is Doctor Strange’s sacrifice that ultimately saves Tony’s life- and sets the stage for Avengers 4. After Thanos stabs Iron Man through the heart, Strange makes a bargain with him: the Time Stone for Tony’s life. Thanos agrees and actually holds up his end of the bargain, sparing Tony. While it could be argued that Doctor Strange only made the deal because he saw it as the only way to beat Thanos, he is also making an incredibly difficult choice. Seeing the future means he must know what’s coming, including his own death and that of half the human race. Strange does it anyway, placing his faith with Tony.

Iron Man

Tony Stark is the Avenger who has been around the longest. From 3 solo films to Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming, we have seen Tony change from the “genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist” to a mentor, friend, and team leader. Infinity War gives Tony even more development as a character by putting him face to face with his biggest fear shown to him by Scarlet Witch in Age of Ultron: that he did not do enough to help save his friends.

Throughout Infinity War, Tony is faced with difficult choices. He goes into space to rescue Spider-Man and Doctor Strange. He puts aside his ego to work with both Doctor Strange and Star-Lord a plan to defeat Thanos on his own turf. And when Thanos finally snaps his fingers, Tony is left comforting a disappearing Peter Parker, the boy he has come to care for like a son.

At the end of the movie, Tony is the only one left who knows that there is a future where Thanos is can be defeated. Despite his losses (we don’t even know if Pepper made it out okay), he is going to have to be the one, once more who rallies the team and comes up with a way to save the universe. Tony seems to play a key role in Doctor Strange’s plan so he will need to be the one with the clearest head going into the Avenger’s endgame with Thanos.

Avengers: Infinity War succeeds on multiple levels. It is a movie for the fans who have stuck with the franchise over the years. It has one of the best Marvel villains to date. And it allows for true character growth for a select number of characters in a film filled to the brim with stars. Hopefully, Avengers 4 will do the same for the other characters who did not get a chance to shine in the film - like Hulk (and hopefully Hawkeye).

Next: Every Upcoming Marvel Movie Avengers: Infinity War Sets Up

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