Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for Avengers: Infinity War.

Quite a few scenes from the Avengers: Infinity War trailers were omitted from the final cut of the movie. Marvel Studios waged an unprecedented marketing campaign for the latest Avengers film - which is directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and based in a script from Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely - since they wanted to keep any and all spoilers at bay… at least for as long as possible.

To do just that, that meant leading with misdirection or teasing scenes that were altered or removed in the final finished product. While many of the following scenes may have still appeared in the movie with slight alterations or from different angles, the exact shots from the trailers are certainly not in the movie. Therefore, any difference, however minor, is enough for those shots to be included in this article.

  • This Page: Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer’s Missing Scenes

Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer (0:22) - Thor in the Milano’s pod

The entire voiceover quote from Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Black Widow, Thor, and Vision wasn’t featured in the movie at all because it was meant for the trailer only. And what’s interesting about Thor’s scene in that sequence is him mournfully looking out of the Milano’s pod. That particular scene was cut from the movie (though a snippet of it can still be seen). The scene immediately following it, however, remained in the final product, in which he and Rocket Raccoon have a heart-to-heart conversation about all the people Thor’s lost and if he could handle what was coming.

Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer (0:26) - Bruce Banner & the Hulkbuster

Bruce Banner and the Hulk are having a “thing” in Avengers: Infinity War after Banner spent a few years stuck as the green giant and then once the Hulk lost to Thanos, which is why Banner isn’t able to willingly transform into the Hulk in the movie. To accommodate for this little snag, Banner wears the Hulkbuster armor in Infinity War’s climactic battle in Wakanda.

It makes sense that the Russo Brothers would want to cut this particular scene from the movie - which shows Banner clearly tinkering with the Hulkbuster armor and getting it ready for the upcoming battle - since it gives the film a surprise factor when audiences first see Banner in the Hulkbuster armor on the Wakandan battlefield. Still, that just leaves a lot open to question, such as: Where did the Hulkbuster armor come from?

Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer (1:02) - Tony & His Wicked Sunglasses

The first time audiences get to see Tony Stark in action as Iron Man comes in the first attack on New York towards the beginning of the film. That scene was teased in the movie’s first trailer from last November, when Tony, Doctor Strange, Bruce Banner, and Wong are seeing preparing to fight. While the scene in the trailer shows Tony taking off his A.I.-powered sunglasses and looking forward, the actual scene in the movie is slightly different.

In the movie, Tony doesn’t appear as far away from the rest of the group as is shown in the trailer when he removes his sunglasses and activates his latest and greatest Iron Man armor, which uses nanotechnology to transform into virtually any shape and create all kinds of new weapons. This variation of the scene was shown in Infinity War’s Super Bowl TV spot in February.

Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer (1:07) - Loki & The Tesseract

Early on, it was believed that Loki betrays Thor and willingly hands over the Tesseract to Thanos. That’s not exactly the case. In the trailer, it looks as if Loki took the object out of his back pocket, whereas in the movie, he reluctantly hands over the Space Stone to Thanos by revealing it in the palm of his right hand. Remember, Loki is the God of Mischief and plays all sorts of tricks on people, including hiding objects that otherwise be in plain sight.

Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer (1:24) - T’Challa & Cap’s Shield

For Steve Rogers, getting a new shield is almost like filling a void. So, to a get a new Vibranium shield straight from the King of Wakanda must’ve been a great feeling for him. But how he got that shield is different than what was shown in the trailer. The trailer version of this scene shows T’Challa from a side view telling his people to get Steve Rogers a shield, whereas the movie’s version shows T’Challa from the front, at which point the camera then cuts to Rogers. It’s the same scene with the same dialogue, just a different angle.

Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer (1:30) - Hulkbuster Landing

After the trailer first showed Bruce Banner tinkering with the Hulkbuster armor, the actual suit makes its debut around the 1:30 mark. At the time of release, it was believed that Banner was piloting the Hulkbuster suit, which was later confirmed when the movie hit theaters.

And judging by the finished product, Banner clearly doesn’t know how to operate the Hulkbuster armor in the movie as well as the trailer would have audiences believe. But, he had the skills when it counted, which is why he was able to defeat Cull Obsidian in a rather interesting way. Although the scene from the trailer wasn’t in the movie, a similar scene does make it into the final cut, but that particular moment also features several Outriders.

Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer (1:49) - Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet

First off, this particular shot wasn’t in the final cut of the movie at all. The shot before this one, however, is in the movie; the scene of Thanos arriving on Titan. Even if this shot was in the movie, it still would’ve been changed since Thanos already has four Infinity Stones - Power, Space, Reality, and Soul - by the time he battles the Avengers and Guardians, along with Doctor Strange.

Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer (2:00) - The Heroes

The end of the first Avengers: Infinity War trailer showcased just how large the Marvel Cinematic Universe had become by showing the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes charging into battle with Captain America in the front. This was the money shot. This was the moment in which the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes truly united against the Mad Titan Thanos, the Black Order, and the Outriders.

However, the shot itself wasn’t in the movie. Although the heroes are seen charging at the Outriders in the film, this particular moment seems to have only been meant for the marketing campaign. Moreover, the scene shows Bruce Banner as Hulk, but as audiences will remember, Hulk was only used in the very beginning of the movie. After that, Banner was forced to use the Hulkbuster armor to fight.

Avengers: Infinity War Teaser Trailer (2:19) - The Guardians

This particular shot is supposed to be used later in the sequence when Thor, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon depart the Milano on the ship’s pod, but instead, in the trailer, it’s shown immediately after Thor asks, “Who the hell are you guys?” In the movie, that shot is also quite different. For instance, Star-Lord is seen pointing his gun at Thor in the final cut, while the rest of the Guardians are all in different poses.

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer (0:12) - Bruce, Nat, & Rhodey

The scene of Bruce Banner, Black Widow, and War Machine looking up at the barrier in Wakanda isn’t in the movie. A similar shot of Bucky and Falcon standing outside and looking up at the Black Order’s descending ships, though, is in the movie, which is also in the trailer, but not the shot of the rest of them. Although this particular scene isn’t in the movie, there is a quick shot of War Machine warning everyone that more ships were landing out in the distance that seems to have been taken from this sequence.

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer (0:48) - The Handshake

The Avengers going to Wakanda in Avengers: Infinity War had been heavily teased leading up to the film’s release - and that was evident in the movie’s final trailer. When the heroes arrive in the African nation, they are greeted by King T’Challa and the Dora Milaje. The shot of T’Challa smiling at Steve Rogers as he shakes his hand is still in the movie, but the shot immediately before that, which shows Steve initiating the handshake, isn’t in the final cut. Instead, the movie has a scene of Bruce Banner bowing to T’Challa, something that Wakandans certainly do not do in their country.

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer (0:57) - Stark’s Plan

One of the highlights of the trailer is the banter between Peter Quill and Tony Stark, and that’s emphasized in this scene of Star-Lord telling Iron Man that his plan just isn’t good and that he should make the plan instead because it might actually be good. While the scene made it into the movie, bits of it were different. It was a different cut that eventually led to Peter Parker asking if Quill about Footloose.

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer (1:06) - T’Challa & Steve Rogers’ Transport

Another T’Challa and Steve Rogers scene from the trailer that didn’t make it into the final cut was a quick shot of them riding the Wakandan transport to the battlefield. A similar scene showing Black Widow riding another transport vehicle was shown in the trailer and still made the final cut, even though it appeared to have been a truncated shot to allow for another scene involving the Hulkbuster.

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer (1:13) - Thor Using Stormbreaker

One of the biggest scenes shown in the trailer that was removed from the actual movie was a scene in which Thor uses Stormbreaker for the first time, with Groot and Rocket Raccoon both gazing in amazement. Although the trailer doesn’t show Thor with a weapon (otherwise the trailer would spoil the movie), Thor is clearly at Nidavellir, and he’s seen using his lightning for the first time. That scene comes after Thor, Eitri, and Groot build Stormbreaker, but audiences don’t get to see that part until Thor and his newfound companions arrive in Wakanda. Perhaps it’ll be a deleted scene.

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer (1:25) - Thor’s Torture

Infinity War opens with Thanos and his Black Order taking the Space Stone/Tesseract from Loki, which first required Thanos to torture Thor in order to get the non-Asgardian to give up the Stone’s location. In the trailer, audiences can see Thor screaming, but that particular shot wasn’t in the movie. The reason for that scene’s excision could be because Thanos actually tortured Thor using the Power Stone, which isn’t shown in the trailers. If it was, then that would most likely be a spoiler.

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer (1:46) - Only 2 Infinity Stones

Marvel tried to hide the fact that Thanos arrives in Wakanda with more than two Infinity Stones on the Gauntlet, something that was mistakenly revealed in one of the film’s promos on Twitter. In this particular scene, Thanos is shown with only the Power Stone and Space Stone, but in reality, when he arrives in Wakanda in the final cut of the movie, he already has five of the six Infinity Stones, including the Soul Stone. The only Stone he didn’t have yet was Vision’s Mind Stone. Again, it was all meant to be misdirection.

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer (2:03) - Peter Introducing Himself

One of the comedic bits from the trailer was Peter Parker introducing himself to Doctor Strange. While Peter uses his first name, Strange introduces himself as normal, as Doctor Strange, to which Peter then replies, “Oh, we’re using our made-up names. Then, I’m Spider-Man.” The scene itself does appear in the movie but slightly altered. A different cut of the same sequence is in the movie, with the only dialogue difference being “I’m Spider-Man, then.” The rest of it is pretty much the same, with some small differences here and there.

Avengers: Infinity War Trailer (2:09) - Spidey Swinging

Showing Spider-Man swinging on Titan was a great way to show off his new Iron Spider suit since audiences only got a brief look at it at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming in 2017. The scene in the movie, however, is much, much more epic than the one in the trailer, mostly because it shows off the costume’s new arms/legs as well as Peter catching the Guardians of the Galaxy as they are floating in the air.

Avengers: Infinity War Super Bowl Spot (0:02) - Tony, Peter, & Strange

The banter and team-up between Tony Stark, Peter Parker, and Doctor Strange made for great fun in Avengers: Infinity War, but there were a few scenes of theirs from the trailers that didn’t make the film’s final cut, as previously mentioned. One of those scenes was a shot of the three of them looking out of Ebony Maw’s ship. Instead of the three of them looking out of the ship’s window and gazing upon Titan, the scene begins with them scrambling to figure out how to land the ship as they reach the deserted planet.

Avengers: Infinity War Super Bowl Spot (0:08) - Thor, Groot, & Rocket

Thor, Groot, and Rocket Raccoon made for another great team-up in Infinity War. And, interestingly, there’s also a shot of them looking out of a ship’s window that was altered for the movie. The scene that ended up in the final cut is more zoomed in and obviously shows Thor without an eye-patch, compared to the shot of them looking out of the Milano’s pod in the Super Bowl promo. It’s not a big change, but just like the whole eye-patch thing in the first trailer, Marvel was trying to keep spoilers at bay while marketing the film.

Avengers: Infinity War Super Bowl Spot (0:12) - Are You Ready?

While this shot is in the movie, it’s entirely different in the trailer. First off, Thor still has an eye-patch despite receiving an eye from Rocket Raccoon just a few minutes prior and he’s not holding a rope that attaches to the pod Rocket is flying. Furthermore, instead of asking Rocket if he’s ready, Thor merely says, “Leave that to me.” Then, he begins to swing Rocket’s pod in circles before launching the ship out towards the next ring. Granted, putting all of this in the trailer might’ve spoiled this part of the movie for some people.

Avengers: Infinity War Super Bowl Spot (0:14) - Cap’s New Shield

This was the first time that audiences really got to see Steve Rogers’ new shield(s) in Infinity War, but the scene wasn’t included in the movie since the entire sequence cut from T’Challa telling his people to give Rogers a new shield to them riding their transports towards Wakanda’s barrier on the battlefield.

More: Avengers: Infinity War - Unanswered Questions

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