Thor, Rocket, and Groot Stick Together

This won’t be a surprise to anyone who’s been following the marketing and merchandise of Avengers: Infinity War so far, but the God of Thunder will be joining forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy. What the EW report confirms is that we’ll see Thor, Groot, and Rocket team-up for most of the film as they pursue a special mission to stop Thanos. We’ve already seen Thor, Rocket, and Groot figures promoted together, and Thor: Ragnarok proved how comedic the God of Thunder can be when paired with the right characters. Though Rocket and Groot will likely be along to help Thor forge a new weapon, expect plenty of laughs when the trio come together.

Thor’s New Weapon Confirmed

Thank to art and toy reveals, it hasn’t been a surprise that Thor will get a new weapon in Avengers: Infinity War. After Hela destroyed Mjolnir in Thor: Ragnarok, the God of Thunder is in need of a new tool of war. In comes Stormbreaker, a mystical axe inspired by the comics. There’s no telling what bells and whistles it will have, but clearly it’s connected to Thor’s mission with Rocket and Groot. And once he has it, he’ll be heading to Wakanda with them.

The Guardians Head To Wakanda

From the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, we know the action will eventually head to Wakanda. This mirrors Jonathan Hickman’s Infinity, a comic event that sees Black Dwarf (Cull Obsidian in the movie) head to Wakanda and wreak havoc. This time, he’ll be met by Captain America and a bevy of other Avengers - and it looks as if at least some of the Guardians will be coming along as well. Rocket, for one, will reportedly have a lot of fun fighting the alien Outriders and meeting Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Rocket Wants Bucky’s Arm

Rocket is known for his love of weapons and destruction, much like in the comics, but the MCU has given him a new trait: an obsession with prosthetics. We’ve seen this play out in both Guardians of the Galaxy movies, and Avengers: Infinity War doesn’t miss a chance to reference it. When Bucky and Rocket fight together, the Guardian attempts to buy the White Wolf’s gun. When that doesn’t work, he moves on to his shiny new arm.

Throwback much?

œOkay, how much for the arm? The arm?

The Mysterious Orange Planet Is Titan

As if the reveal of an image showing Thanos tossing an entire moon wasn’t enough, we learned that the scene on a mysterious orange planet actually takes place on Titan. Like in the real world, Titan is one of Saturn’s moons, but in the comics it’s the former home of Thanos. Once a prosperous place, he returns and razes the celestial body as part of his never-ending journey to court Death herself. It seems the moon will serve as one of the main battlefields in Avengers: Infinity War, and we now know how strong the Power and Space Stones are when combined.

Thanos’ Backstory Revealed

In the comics, Thanos assembles the Infinity Gauntlet to wipe out half of the universe in order to impress Death. This also follows his origin story, which saw him destroy much of his homeworld, Titan, after being mocked as a child. In Avengers: Infinity War, however, things will be a bit different. According to Kevin Feige:

œHe’s from a planet called Titan that’s no longer inhabited because of things that he thought he could help prevent, and he was not allowed to do that. What he feared most happened, and the planet and everybody on it basically went extinct. He vowed not to let that happen again. He thinks he sees the universe going down the tubes. He thinks he sees life expanding outward unchecked. That will bring ruin, he believes, to the universe and to that life.

We’ll See Thanos’ Outcast Younger Years

Avengers: Infinity War will be tweaking Thanos’ motivations a bit, but it looks like some core attributes of his backstory will remain the same. On Titan, Thanos wasn’t born like the rest of his people. Though alien to us, he himself is something of a mutant amongst his own family and fellow citizens. The mockery and humiliation that came along with that is part of what led Thanos to become an intergalactic serial killer. And according to Josh Brolin, that aspect from the comics will make it into the film.

Thanos Has Brains to Match the Brawn

Given Thanos’ brutish look (and new sleeveless attire), it’s assumed he’s just a whole lot of muscle and menace before he gains the power of the Infinity Gauntlet. But we’ve also seen him spend years pulling the strings of various characters. And from what Brolin told EW, all of those teases bely a great deal of intellect beneath Thanos’ hulking exterior.

Deadpool Will Mock Thanos

Given the meta nature of Deadpool, it’s safe to assume the sequel will continue throwing shade at the very idea of superhero films. For the first movie, that meant Wade poking fun at Ryan Reynolds’ role in Green Lantern. But with Josh Brolin playing both Cable in Deadpool 2 and Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, expect a jabs at the Mad Titan when Fox’s X-Men spinoff hits theaters later in the summer.

“This super, super, super intelligence. There’s this constant contrasting thing about this Neanderthalic lughead who’s way more intelligent than anybody else in the movie, by far.”

Vision Is A Living MacGuffin

Every since Vision was brought to life with the Mind Stone, fans have been worried what will happen to the character when Thanos comes calling. It’s because of that fear that Captain America brings Vision to Wakanda to keep him safe in the impenetrable kingdom. But according to co-director Anthony Russo, Vision can’t survive without the Stone and that means trouble.

Proxima Midnight Goes On The Hunt

Though toys and promo art have revealed the Black Order, Thanos’ ‘children’ have only been glimpsed in footage and images. So far, we’ve had the best look at Proxima Midnight when she throw her spear at a bearded Captain America. She and her siblings will be on the hunt for the Stones, which will bring them face to face with Vision, Cap, and Widow among others. But with Gamora and Nebula already turning away from their abusive father figure, will his other children do the same?

œVision is a living MacGuffin. Obviously, that raises the stakes because Vision’s life is in danger, and his life is in conflict with Thanos’ goals, so something’s got to give.

Iron Man’s New Armor Is Space-Ready

Tony Stark has always embodied the ethos that tech should be constantly evolving. The comics have seen him gain all sorts of upgrades to his armor and the MCU has followed suit. For Avengers: Infinity War, Iron Man will get his Bleeding Edge armor from the comics, though it’s not clear if it will have all the capabilities from the page. In the source material, the armor can literally form around him using nanotechnology. We’ll have to wait and see if that occurs in Avengers 3, but the new thrusters on the suit are designed to bring Tony into space. And with Thanos on the hunt for the Infinity Stones, the upgrade will definitely come in handy.

Tony Stark’s Worldview Has Changed

We’ve watched Tony go through a lot since Iron Man - rethinking his entire life after nearly dying, only to end up in much the same place in Iron Man 3. Both Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War saw the futurist make some rash decisions with disastrous consequences. But according to Robert Downey, Jr., Avengers: Infinity War will start with Tony in a much more focused space:

“I don’t think Tony is idle, I think he is wondering ¦ Look, when he tried to make a suit of armor around the world [in Avengers: Age of Ultron], that didn’t pan out so well. Now I think his goals are smaller.”

The Avengers Sub-Teams Will Be Set Up From The Start

With so many characters appearing in Avengers: Infinity War, there’s no time for drawn-out plots and origins. Instead, Marvel is assuming audiences are familiar enough with the characters to dive right in. According to Robert Downey, Jr.’s EW interview, Avengers 3 will begin with teams already forming. We know Captain America has been busy with Falcon and Widow and Bucky is in Wakanda. And from the look of things, Bruce, Tony, Doctor Strange, and Wong will all join forces rather quickly when the Hulk comes crashing to Earth and lands in the Sanctum Sanctorum. So, while some pieces will come together as the film goes along, it looks to start with a bang.

Pepper Is The Heart of Iron Man’s Story

In both the comics and the movies, Pepper Potts has been a key part of Tony Stark’s story. She hasn’t always been able to fit into the various team-up films in the MCU, but her essential role in Iron Man’s solo stories mean she was naturally going to show up in Avengers: Infinity War (possibly with superpowers). Though the film is packed with characters, everyone will still get an arc, and that’s especially true for the person who kicked off the MCU. According to Robert Downey, Jr., even amidst the chaos, the relationship between Tony and Pepper will get a spotlight:

Rhodey’s Brand-New Legs

The new images from EW also show Rhodey making amends with Team Cap. We knew from the trailer that War Machine fights alongside Captain America, Black Widow, and Bucky in Wakanda, but the new image of him with Steve and Natasha shows off the tech that will be helping him walk. We don’t yet know his mental state in the film, but hopefully the consequences of Captain America: Civil War and the battle over the Sokovia Accords won’t simply be swept under the rug once Thanos comes to Earth.

“Pepper remains the heart of the [Iron Man] story. I think we wanted to get back to that reality. Not just for them, but let’s really see how that can add to the something-worth-fighting-for of it all.”

Bucky Is Now The White Wolf

The Black Panther post-credits scene established a whole new Bucky will be joining Avengers: Infinity War. Not only does he have his mind again, he’ll also gain a new arm courtesy of tech-wizard Shuri. But the appendage won’t be the only upgrade Bucky receives in the film; ditching the Winter Soldier name tied to his time under Hydra’s control, Bucky will be the White Wolf when he arrives in Avengers 3. The name is a nod to T’Challa’s half-brother from the comics (who rocks an all-white variation of the Black Panther costume), but it’s a fitting one for the new and improved Bucky Barnes.

Read More: What Bucky Becoming White Wolf Means For Infinity War & Beyond

Captain America and Thor Reunite

Since Thor and The Hulk sat out of Captain America: Civil War, it’s been a long time since all of the original Avengers were together. According to EW, the battle in Wakanda will allow Steve and Thor a bit of a reunion as they fight together. And given how much both have been through, they certainly have a lot of catching up to do.

Captain America Doesn’t Have To ‘Steal’ Vibranium This Time

We don’t know the full story of how Howard Stark came by the Vibranium in Captain America’s shield, but his new wrist-mounted defensive weapons will be gifted by T’Challa and Shuri. As Chadwick Boseman tells EW, the new items portend a better relationship between the Wakandans and the Avengers.

œThey trust each other. His shield was already made from vibranium anyway. So it’s just an extension of what he already had. This time, actually giving it to him, as opposed to¦[Boseman shrugs]. Me actually giving it to him is a testament to our relationship and trust.

Black Widow Is Harder Than Ever

While there will be more trust after Captain America: Civil War, not everyone is feeling the love. As usual, Natasha will have her spy sense on high alert. She’s been through a lot since we last saw her and things haven’t exactly gotten better from what Scarlet Johansson says of her character.

Falcon Has A Grudge

Like Black Widow, Falcon won’t be too keen on joining up with some of his former enemies. In particular, the idea of working with Iron Man and Black Panther after Captain America: Civil War doesn’t sit well with Sam. The comics often brush aside the events of big moments like this, but it seems Avengers: Infinity War will take some time to investigate the fallout of the last big Marvel movie.

œI think it’s been a dark time. I wouldn’t say that my character has been particularly hopeful, but I think she’s hardened even more than she probably was before.

Wakanda Is The Setting of the Film’s Third Act

We haven’t seen much from Avengers: Infinity War, but the footage and images so far have teased Wakanda will play a major role. As it turns out, it will actually serve as the setting for the entire third act of the film. It’s clear that most of the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy will end up there at some point, and the well-protected kingdom looks to be the final battleground (at least on Earth). Given that Avengers 3 was written and shot before Black Panther became a huge success, things actually worked out nicely in Marvel’s favor as audiences are anxious to return to Wakanda already.

There Will Be Goodbyes

Though only a handful of main characters have died in previous Marvel films (and they’ve mostly been villains), Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 will change the status quo of the MCU. For Robert Downey, Jr. the big question is “Which one of us bites it and when? And according to co-writer Stephen McFeely, well see some characters leave the franchise for good when the battle is over. As for the others: œIt’s safe to say we will say farewell to people.

Permanent Death Is On The Table

And they mean real goodbyes. Marvel has certainly killed off its share of heroes, villains, and supporting characters in its movies and shows, but given the nature of comic books we’ve seen a number return. According to Kevin Feige, moviegoers may want to be careful what they wish for as some permanent deaths will occur in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4. But it won’t just be death that will remove players from the board, as Feige hints that some other versions of goodbye will feature as well.

Wakanda Is An “Anchor Point” Going Forward

With Asgard gone and New York suffering all sorts of abuse, it looks as if Wakanda will step in and fill the void as one of the MCU’s chief locations. In talking with EW, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige said Wakanda will serve as a sort of “anchor point” for the movies going forward. And given the stellar success of Black Panther and audience’s anticipation for a sequel, any extra time spent in the fantastical kingdom will likely only help a Marvel movie.

They Have A Solid Direction For Black Panther 2

Phase 4 of the MCU is still up in the air, but Kevin Feige has confirmed that Black Panther 2 will indeed happen. As for the story of the film, he naturally can’t say anything yet. What he did tease, however, is that ideas were tossed around as the first film was being made and the minds behind the movie already have a good idea of the direction the sequel will go in. With Wakanda and the backstory of the Black Panther firmly established for moviegoers, there’s a good chance Black Panther 2 will dive even deeper into the mythos of the character.

The Avengers Could Have Been A Different Movie

Throughout EW’s interview with Kevin Feige, he notes how Marvel Studios has always gone all in on the idea of its shared universe and bringing its characters to the big screen. That said, certain adjustments sometimes have to be made. When it came to crafting The Avengers, there was no telling if Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor would actually perform well. Feige says that The Avengers would have happened regardless, but fans would have seen a very different marketing approach and probably an alternate cut of the film if audiences didn’t respond to the more obscure heroes.

Any Non-Sequel Is A Risk

Though each new character introduced in solo film seems to go on to get their own trilogy, Marvel has always made sure to introduce new IPs as well. Feige seems dead set on bringing one new solo film to theaters a year, but they, of course, come with their own risks. Though Feige said that any studio would envy having multiple franchises to choose from, the minds of the MCU decided something early on: “we didn’t want to be just the Iron Man studio or just the Avengers studio. We want to be the Marvel Studio.”

Diversity Is Becoming A Way of Life

Marvel has been slow when it comes to more diversity and representation both behind and in front of the camera. Luckily, that’s changing and the success of Black Panther proves just how valuable - both socially and financially - more seats at the table can be.

“I think we’re seeing it shift from a very purposeful initiative to just a fact of life, to just a way of doing business. Then there are people we hired that we’re not ready to announce in all different capacities, particularly behind the camera. As Panther has so loudly declared, [representation] can only help you, can only help you tell unique stories, can only help you do things in a new, and unique, and fresh, and exciting way. If you do that, audiences will notice it, and appreciate it, and support it.”

Captain Marvel Is The First Hero Fury Meets

Outside of a few prologues and flashbacks, the MCU films have only had one period piece. But Captain America: The First Avengers is about to be joined by Captain Marvel. Set in the early ’90s, the film will not only introduce Carol Danvers and the Kree-Skrull War, but show us a young Nick Fury. And rather than the man who’s seen it all, he’ll be introduced to superheroes for the first time.

More Shuri Is Coming

Audiences haven’t just become enamored with Wakanda and the Black Panther, as social media has been flooded with praise for Shuri, the Dora Milaje, and many of the other supporting characters in Black Panther. We know Shrui, Okoye, and M’Baku will all return for Avengers: Infinity War, but Kevin Feige promises that the young genius in particular will have a big future in the MCU. And if we’re lucky, maybe Shuri will appear in Spider-Man: Homecoming 2.

“Well, we want to go back to a time when he didn’t know it yet, and really showcase and announce that Carol Danvers was that first hero that Nick came across. That meant she could be the singular hero, but place it within timing of the MCU. It also got us talking about different genres, exploring this notion of sort of the 90s action film.”

Feige Wants Spider-Man Back Proper

If the Disney/Fox deal goes through, the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Deadpool may soon join the MCU. But Spider-Man and his pantheon are still technically owned by Sony. Though Spidey can show up in the MCU, Kevin Feige is still eager to get the full rights back to the character. And if Venom and Sony’s other proposed spinoffs fail, Feige (and fans) may just have their wish come true.

The Avengers May Find Out About Coulson

Fans have been hoping with every new Avengers or team-up film that Tony, Steve, and Thor will learn Phil Coulson has been alive this whole time. After serving as the crux of The Avengers and appearing in four MCU films, Clark Gregg went on to lead Agents of SHIELD. The show is airing its 100th episode this week and Avengers 3 will be a major culmination of the MCU as whole, so will that mean Coulson’s fate will finally be revealed? According to Marvel TV head Jeph Loeb, fans may get their wish:


“It’s certainly something that will get resolved, and it may get resolved in a very surprising way.

We’ll keep this article updated with all of EW’s Avengers: Infinity War updates as and when they release.

Next: Biggest MCU Narrative Threads Avengers: Infinity War Must Resolve

  • spider-man homecoming 2 Release Date: 2019-07-02 captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08 Avengers: Infinity War Release Date: 2018-04-27 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 Ant-Man 2 Release Date: 2018-07-06