Whenever a new Marvel Cinematic Universe movie is released, the world seems to collectively lose it’s mind. Every inch of social and mainstream media is occupied by said movie. And unsurprisingly, each movie spawns it’s own personal memes. That’s the modus operandi with every single Marvel movie, but the release of Avengers: Endgame was like every other Marvel movie release on steroids. Endgame was the culmination of over a decade of development and over a dozen films, so the entire film-going world understandably brought the hype to an insane level when it finally came out.

And in case anyone didn’t know by now, a key aspect of the story line in Endgame revolves around time travel. Time travel is the linchpin that allowed the Avengers to, you know, avenge, and understandably that aspect of the story has ignited a lot of creativity within the MCU fandom. Namely in the form of memes. So here are 10 of the funniest Avengers: Endgame time travel memes!

No Wonder The Budget Was So High

Much ado has been made about Paul Rudd’s magical inability to visibly age, but it all makes sense now! Surely most people can hope that taking care of themselves plus some luck with their DNA might stave off the biggest signs of time and wear on their face and body, but clearly no one can compete with the support of millions of dollars and the biggest media brand in the world. Is it possible that Paul Rudd is just lucky and barely aged since his Clueless days? Sure. But a Marvel Cinematic Universe conspiracy is obviously the much more believable theory.

Back To The Future Battle

If you told anyone a few years ago that one of the main film canon vs. film canon debates would be between Avengers: Endgame and Back to the Future, most people probably wouldn’t have believed it. And yet, here we are. Back to the Future isn’t exactly the be all and end all of time travel movies, but it is one of the most famous. And while Marty McFly’s exploits in the past pale in comparison to what the Avengers did, at least Marty seemed to have a much more pleasant time in his visit to the past (creepy possible romance with his own mom not included, obviously).


Avengers: Endgame is a film achievement unlike any other for a lot of reasons. And one of the biggest reasons is that it managed to unseat James Cameron from the top grossing film of all time throne (although Cameron will always get deserved props for managing to unseat himself when Avatar surpassed Titanic).

Cameron was undoubtedly proud of being able to hold on to that title for decades, and presumably wasn’t thrilled to see the MCU finally defeat his accomplishment. Not to mention, James is pretty accustomed to the idea of using time travel to go back and change the past, so perhaps the MCU crew should have been a little more worried about taking him out.

It Doesn’t Take A Gene To Figure Out

When it came to the Avenger’s whole plan to use time travel to their advantage and essentially undo what Thanos had done when he killed half of the living world it seems like Thanos was pretty far behind the curve. With the infinity gauntlet you’d think that he could just go to the time in which they were going off on this whole mission and stop them, but he shows up right when every Avenger and everyone who has ever met an Avenger has assembled and is ready to lay the smack down on him. Thanos did show up in the nick of time, but he just didn’t come up the winner.

Thanos Time Fail

Memes kind of feel like those half-assed thoughts that everyone has manifested into the most low rent artwork any person could possibly conceive of, but this time travel meme really has a point. The infinity gauntlet is supposed to essentially grant unlimited power to whoever possesses it, and the whole Avengers squad undoing Thanos’ apocalyptic snap is something that Thanos himself should have been able to foresee and presumably prevent from happening.

It’s possible that Thanos wasn’t clever enough to predict it or that he just assumed that the Avengers were too weak or too stupid to actually do it, but when you consider his obsession with eliminating half of the living universe you’d think he’d be more on top of things like that.

Reminder To Be Kind To Fellow Fans

Memes are just fun and games and should absolutely be taken as such. But they can also be a nice reminder to be kind and considerate to fellow fans who don’t have the ability see into their own futures and know how Endgame is actually going to end. Presumably anyone who cares even a smidge about this magnum opus of the MCU has seen it by now, but when Avengers: Endgame was first released it seemed like it was easier to dodge a land mine or evade the Thanos snap than it was to avoid spoilers for the actual endgame in this Endgame.

He’s No Marty McFly

One thing that a lot of fantasy, sci-fi, and action movies don’t like to confront when it comes to their off the wall ideas and experiments is that often times things don’t go as planned when you’re the first monkey being launched into space. Obviously that is the case when it comes to Scott Lang.

Ant-Man’s journey to and from the future obviously doesn’t match up with what he had probably seen in TV and movies for most of his life, and even if he imagined some timey-wimey shenanigans he undoubtedly didn’t expect to turn back into an incontinent baby.

Suspension Of Disbelief Matters, Okay?

Let’s be real, half the fun of poring over every frame of a certain movie is being able to debate the minutia of every plot point and concept within that film with other rabid fans. And the internal logic of time travel in Avengers: Endgame is good enough, at least. But there is also the point where a debate devolves into an argument, and no matter how much everyone loves the MCU movies they’re still just silly popcorn flicks about superheroes. Undoubtedly these debates will roll on forever, but even the now deceased Tony Stark is probably sick of them.

Did You Even Watch The Movie Though?

Is everyone laughing or crying? Most Avengers: Endgame memes are good for a laugh (and this one probably is too), but this particular time travel meme is a harsh reminder of what MCU fans have lost because of the latest installment in the Avengers series. And I mean, considering the story line of Endgame it’s safe to assume that no MCU character who dies has to necessarily be dead for good, but when you look at what a heart-wrenching send off Tony Stark was given in the film it seems more likely than not that he’s gone permanently. We’re always open to some hope, though.


Memes are in large part so popular because they’re so simple and easy to understand for everyone. If you have any knowledge of the source material you only need to glance at the meme and you’ll likely understand it immediately. That’s what makes memes so funny, and it’s presumably why they go viral so easily. However this little gem of an Avengers: Endgame meme adds an extra layer of awesome by taking one of it’s most popular “time travel” memes and making the meme about memes themselves. And this one definitely would have elicited a chuckle from Bruce Banner himself.