Following hilarious demands from Marvel fans that they rescue Tony Stark from his Avengers: Endgame plight, NASA issues an official response. After months of hype fueled by the fans themselves, this past Friday finally saw the debut of the first trailer for Marvel Studios’ ultimate blockbuster, Avengers: Endgame. With the first footage from the film now released, its official title revealed, and its release date moved forward, the marketing machine for the MCU entry formally known as Avengers 4 is likely soon to really get moving.

While there was a lot of little things to take away from Avengers: Endgame’s trailer, one of the biggest developments the trailer revealed is that Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) has been left adrift in space after the haunting events that ended Avengers: Infinity War. With every hero that took the fight to Thanos on his home planet of Titan now turned to dust other than Tony and Gamora’s sister Nebula, and Tony’s tech seemingly destroyed beyond repair, the self-styled billionaire superhero finds himself in a situation he can’t simply buy or fight his way out of.

Most fan guesses as to how Tony eventually makes his way back to Earth - as it’s hard to imagine him not doing so eventually - involve a rescue by Captain Marvel, who was of course conspicuous by her absence from the Avengers: Endgame trailer. Since the trailer’s release though, a subset of Marvel fans have taken the amusing step of contacting NASA on social media about the problem, and imploring the U.S. agency to rescue Iron Man from his approaching doom. Proving that government agencies are occasionally allowed to have a sense of humor, NASA’s Twitter has actually responded, in an appropriately tongue-in-cheek-way. Check their post out below.

As humorous as it is that NASA actually responded to the pleas of Marvel fans regarding Tony Stark, it just goes to show how firmly ingrained in American pop culture that the MCU and its iconic heroes have become. One assumes NASA doesn’t plan to reply to every tweet it ever gets concerning a movie, but made an exception for Avengers 4, a movie that could quite possibly - if it delivers as well as Infinity War did - someday be regarded as the greatest comic book-based project to ever hit the silver screen.

All kidding aside, there are many fans that rightly fear the impending death of Tony Stark, as Robert Downey Jr. is one of several MCU mainstays whose contracts are set to expire following Avengers: Endgame. While Tony likely won’t die before getting to kick Thanos’ butt as Iron Man, there’s no guarantee he’ll survive the fight, and may well end up sacrificing himself for the greater good. That’s something Tony wouldn’t have been open to back in the first Iron Man film, but he’s grown and changed in many ways over the course of his MCU journey, and now likely wouldn’t think twice about laying it all on the line to save those he cares about.

More: Avengers 4’s Trailer May Debunk Time Jump Theory

Source: NASA

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