Josh Brolin continues to sing the praises of Avengers: Infinity War, this time comparing the role of Thanos to experimental theater. While many so-called prestige directors use their platform to lambast the popular trend of superhero films, fans the world over seem to be plenty pleased with the rise in comic book adaptations. Still, few would refer to the output of Marvel or DC as high art. Regardless, Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios certainly took a creative risk when they set up a shared cinematic universe that would merge together multiple stories, characters, and films—and the culmination of that pioneering move is nearly upon us.

Though Avengers: Infinity War could hardly be called experimental, there’s a certain audacity to bringing together so many franchises and movie stars for a blockbuster the likes of which the world has never seen. While the whole thing could prove a disaster, that’s often the cost of creative risks. We recently learned that Avengers 3 will feature 76 characters, which only highlights the staggering feat that Marvel and the Russo Brothers are attempting. But beyond that, at least one member of the cast thinks the film shares something in common with more high brow art.

Josh Brolin took to his Instagram to ostensibly share a peculiar piece of art awkwardly merging Thanos with the Joker. But outside of Brolin being a fan of the work, he dropped in some interesting comparisons for his time working on Avengers: Infinity War.

It’s safe to assume that most of Brolin’s followers and many moviegoers who will sit down for Avengers 3 have never heard of The Living Theater or even know what a black box room is. And to be sure, fans of avant-garde theater would likely be just as flabbergasted to see the medium compared to a massive superhero film bankrolled by one of the world’s largest corporations. But with Brolin going to bat for the film and his role by espousing its artistic merits, it’s hard not to get excited about what shape Thanos will take.

“Doing Infinity War was like doing a limitless black box experimental theatre piece in the lower Eastside of New York City in 1975, mixed with Antonin Artaud, the living theatre, Grotowski’s Poor Theatre and a dash of punk rock acting surrounded by shiploads of talent.”

Though Thanos has had a few appearances in the MCU, Brolin has yet to really cut loose with the character. With Thanos taking center stage for Avengers 3 and 4, there’s no telling what sort of story will be told. The cosmic villain also shares plenty in common with the nihilistic Joker given that the former’s motivation in the comics for acquiring the Infinity Stones is to wipe out half of the universe in order to impress Death herself. The Clown Prince of Crime may want to watch the world burn, but the Mad Titan is willing to see the whole of existence go up in flames just to satisfy his desires. If even a fraction of that complexity can be exhibited in Avengers: Infinity War, then the film may justify Brolin’s praise.

MORE: Shaquille O’Neal Campaigns For Role In The Avengers

Source: Josh Brolin

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